CPMA 2019 Community Award Winners
It looks like all 19 players have finished voting, and the winners are...
Special Shoutouts
Finally, thank you so much to everyone who has helped kept CPMA alive throughout 2019 and helping the community stay strong. While the awards only specify a specific number of players, I want to say thank you to all the others that have stayed involved in the CPMA community. Thank you so much to all the server admins, casters, mappers, movie makers, coaches, the many player participants we have had in our events, the other players who play duels and PUGs, and those who have helped and involved themselves in some form to the community. We had a fantastic year, especially with yet another update to CPMA and CNQ3! I hope for this year we can continue to have more fun events and playmorepromode! With the latest releases of CPMA and the next one to come, perhaps we can strive even further than before, especially since this next one is going to be super extra special awesome... ;)
CPMA Discord Server
Winner: HAL_9000 (Twitch Channel)
- chalq (Twitch Channel)
- Terifire (Twitch Channel)
- neverGreen (Twitch Channel)
Winner: "TimConLAN 7" by Nutter
- "The Suppository of all Wisdom #19" by Profanum
- "Q3: Wormed by chalqbert" by chalq
- "chalqwürm 2: Tales from the Compost Pile" by chalq
Winner: neverGreen
- Rain
- Kimi|AHK
- N (dNo, maNever)
Winner: Berserker
- cegr
Winners: Terifire & chalq
- gaiia
- kane
Winner: Terifire
- gaiia
- chalq
- kane
Winners: neverGreen & dapz
- Rain
- Kimi|AHK
Winners: neverGreen & DEZ
- Kimi|AHK
- Leshaka
Winner: Kimi|AHK
- Gizma
- N (dNo, maNever)
- neverGreen
Winner: chalq
- gaiia
- kane
- Terifire
- santile
Winner: greed
- Duck
Winner: panikborke
- Magikarp
- Terifire
Winner: myT + Terifire
- Cyrax
- Leshaka
- Fjoggs
- snapcase
Winner: panikborke
- Terifire
Special Shoutouts
Finally, thank you so much to everyone who has helped kept CPMA alive throughout 2019 and helping the community stay strong. While the awards only specify a specific number of players, I want to say thank you to all the others that have stayed involved in the CPMA community. Thank you so much to all the server admins, casters, mappers, movie makers, coaches, the many player participants we have had in our events, the other players who play duels and PUGs, and those who have helped and involved themselves in some form to the community. We had a fantastic year, especially with yet another update to CPMA and CNQ3! I hope for this year we can continue to have more fun events and playmorepromode! With the latest releases of CPMA and the next one to come, perhaps we can strive even further than before, especially since this next one is going to be super extra special awesome... ;)
I’d like to thank my fellow admins and moderators for letting me slack on my admining duties for so long without giving me a hard time for it. Special shoutouts to everyone who attended TimConLAN 8 for an awesome event, especially CrazyAl for organising it and to ch1LLmA for organising PuuppoLAN and for being a reliable and responsible driver while Danskq and I were drinking beer in his car while on our way to and from TimConLAN.
- gaiia
Special shoutouts to Leshaka for his work on the cpmpickup bot for ranked CTF, CrazyAl for hosting TCL, Yoman for not giving up and keeping on trying, smofo for making his commentary videos for beginners.
- neverGreen
Special mentions this year for df and fKd for their excellent work behind the scenes and shoutouts to anyone playing regularly and/or organizing community events.
- myT
Special shoutout to CrazyAl for hosting TCL and streaming CPM/Defrag, panikborke for being the most active duel player in years and donating lots of money towards tournament prize pools, Bjarke for being an awesome dude who streams his mapping adventures, neverGreen for his work on ranked CTF, Leshaka for his work on ranked CTF and the pickup bot in general, gaiia for giving me back all the clothes I left in Finland in 2013, and The ProMode team for all the awesome stuff that’s about to come ;)
- Terifire
Special shoutouts to KG7x for a nice server status update list, Fjoggs for keeping DE servers alive, df for the sick emojis and new CPMA server icon, CrazyAl for hosting TCL, panikborke for his ma$$ive contributions, jehar for dropping in to cast Beginners Cup 9, and Terifire for casting/streaming on playmorepromode because if he didn’t then there’d be no stream for some of the events.
- Magikarp