02:49 UTC

2020/08/07Quake World Championship 2020
2020/05/15QPL Stage 3 - Finals
2020/02/29QPL Stage 2 - Finals
2019/11/02QPL Stage 1 - Finals
2019/09/01UT 1on1 Farewell Cup Europe
2019/08/04UT 1on1 Open Cup #37 Europe (UT+)
2019/06/16Blitz Summer Cup 2019 Europe
2019/03/16UT 3on3 Elimination Cup #3 Europe
2019/03/10Community Cup #36 Europe
2019/03/03UT Salvation Cup #3 Europe
2019/02/25Duel Challenge Cup #69 Europe
2019/02/18Duel Challenge Cup #68 Europe
2019/02/11Duel Challenge Cup #67 Europe
2019/02/10UT Salvation Cup #2 Europe
2019/01/21Community Cup #35 Europe
2019/01/13Elim Salvation Cup 2019
2019/01/12UT 1on1 Pro Mode Cup #1 Europe
2019/01/07Duel Challenge Cup #65 Europe
2018/12/27QC 1on1 Christmas Cup 2018 Europe
2018/12/23Community Cup #34 Europe
2018/12/17Duel Challenge Cup #64 Europe
2018/12/16UT Blitz Winter Cup 2018
2018/12/16 UT Blitz Winter Cup 2018 Division 1
2018/12/16 UT Blitz Winter Cup 2018 Division 2
2018/12/10Duel Challenge Cup #63 Europe
2018/11/26Duel Challenge Cup #62 Europe
2018/11/19QC 1on1 Duel Cup #8 Italy
2018/11/19Duel Challenge Cup #61 Europe
2018/11/12Duel Challenge Cup #60 Europe
2017/11/11Go4QC North America
2018/11/11 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM October Finals
2018/10/21 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #14
2018/10/14 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #13
2018/09/30 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM September Finals
2018/09/23 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #12
2018/09/16 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #11
2018/09/02 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM August Finals
2018/08/26 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #10
2018/08/19 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #9
2018/07/29 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM July Finals
2018/07/22 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #8
2018/07/15 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #7
2018/07/01 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM June Finals
2018/06/24 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #6
2018/06/17 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #5
2018/06/03 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM May Finals
2018/05/31 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #4
2018/05/27 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #3
2018/05/06 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM April Finals
2018/04/29 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #2
2018/04/22 Go4QC North America 2018 TDM Cup #1
2017/12/30 Go4QC TDM #8 North America
2017/12/29 Go4QC Duel #8 North America
2017/12/23 Go4QC TDM #7 North America
2017/12/22 Go4QC Duel #7 North America
2017/12/17 Go4QC TDM #6 North America
2017/12/16 Go4QC Duel #6 North America
2017/12/10 Go4QC TDM #5 North America
2017/12/09 Go4QC Duel #5 North America
2017/12/03 Go4QC TDM #4 North America
2017/12/02 Go4QC Duel #4 North America
2017/11/26 Go4QC TDM #3 North America
2017/11/25 Go4QC Duel #3 North America
2017/11/19 Go4QC TDM #2 North America
2017/11/18 Go4QC Duel #2 North America
2017/11/12 Go4QC TDM #1 North America
2017/11/11 Go4QC Duel #1 North America
2017/11/11Go4QC Europe
2018/11/11 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM October Finals
2018/10/21 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #14
2018/10/14 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #13
2018/09/30 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM September Finals
2018/09/23 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #12
2018/09/16 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #11
2018/09/02 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM August Finals
2018/08/26 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #10
2018/08/19 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #9
2018/07/29 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM July Finals
2018/07/22 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #8
2018/07/15 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #7
2018/07/01 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM June Finals
2018/06/24 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #6
2018/06/17 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #5
2018/06/03 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM May Finals
2018/05/31 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #4
2018/05/27 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #3
2018/05/06 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM April Finals
2018/04/29 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #2
2018/04/22 Go4QC Europe 2018 TDM Cup #1
2017/12/30 Go4QC TDM #8 Europe
2017/12/29 Go4QC Duel #8 Europe
2017/12/23 Go4QC TDM #7 Europe
2017/12/22 Go4QC Duel #7 Europe
2017/12/17 Go4QC TDM #6 Europe
2017/12/16 Go4QC Duel #6 Europe
2017/12/10 Go4QC TDM #5 Europe
2017/12/09 Go4QC Duel #5 Europe
2017/12/03 Go4QC TDM #4 Europe
2017/12/02 Go4QC Duel #4 Europe
2017/11/26 Go4QC TDM #3 Europe
2017/11/25 Go4QC Duel #3 Europe
2017/11/19 Go4QC TDM #2 Europe
2017/11/18 Go4QC Cup #2 Europe
2017/11/12 Go4QC TDM #1 Europe
2017/11/11 Go4QC Duel #1 Europe
2018/11/05QC 1on1 Duel Cup #7 Italy
2018/11/05Duel Challenge Cup #59 Europe
2018/10/31Italian Esports Open 2018
2018/10/20 Quake Champions Italian Esport Open Cup 2018
2018/10/01 Quake Champions Italian Esports Open 2018
2018/10/29Duel Challenge Cup #58 Europe
2018/10/28Quake Australian Championships - PAX Finals
2018/10/22Duel Challenge Cup #57 Europe
2018/10/15Duel Challenge Cup #56 Europe
2018/10/08QC 1on1 Duel Cup #6 Italy
2018/10/08Duel Challenge Cup #55 Europe
2018/09/25QC 2on2 TDM Cup #28 Europe
2018/09/24QC 1on1 Duel Cup #5 Italy
2018/09/24Duel Challenge Cup #54 Europe
2018/09/17Duel Challenge Cup #53 Europe
2018/09/16Community Cup #33 Europe
2018/09/11QC 2on2 TDM Cup #27 Europe
2018/09/10QC 1on1 Duel Cup #4 Italy
2018/09/10Duel Challenge Cup #52 Europe
2018/09/08Community Cup #32 Europe
2018/08/30QC 2on2 TDM Cup #26 Europe
2018/08/27Duel Challenge Cup #51 Europe
2018/08/20Duel Challenge Cup #50 Europe
2018/08/16QC 2on2 TDM Cup #25 Europe
2018/08/13Duel Challenge Cup #49 Europe
2018/08/12QC 1v1 Quakecon 2018 Duel Showdown
2018/08/11QС 1v1 Quakecon 2018 Battle of the BYOC
2018/08/11QC 2v2 TDM Quakecon 2018 Playoffs & Finals
2018/08/10QC 2v2 TDM QuakeCon 2018 Open
2018/08/06Duel Challenge Cup #48 Europe
2018/08/05TDM Nations Cup 2018
2018/08/02QC 2on2 TDM Cup #24 Europe
2018/07/30Duel Challenge Cup #47 Europe
2018/07/25QC 2on2 TDM Cup #23 Europe
2018/07/24QC 1on1 Duel Cup #3 Italy
2018/07/23Duel Challenge Cup #46 Europe
2018/07/18QC 2on2 TDM Cup #22 Europe
2018/07/16Duel Challenge Cup #45 Europe
2018/07/10QC 1on1 Duel Cup #2 Italy
2018/07/09Duel Challenge Cup #44 Europe
2018/07/06QC 2on2 TDM Cup #21 Europe
2018/07/02Duel Challenge Cup #43 Europe
2018/06/29QC 2on2 TDM Cup #20 Europe
2018/06/27QC 1on1 Duel Cup #1 Italy
2018/06/25Duel Challenge Cup #42 Europe
2018/06/22QC 2on2 TDM Cup #19 Europe
2018/06/18Duel Challenge Cup #41 Europe
2018/06/15QC 2on2 TDM Cup #18 Europe
2018/06/11Duel Challenge Cup #40 Europe
2018/06/10Community Cup #31 Europe
2018/06/08QC 2on2 TDM Cup #17 Europe
2018/06/04Duel Challenge Cup #39 Europe
2018/05/30Duel Challenge Cup #38 Europe
2018/05/27Community Cup #30 Europe
2018/05/25QC 2on2 TDM Cup #16 Europe
2018/05/23Duel Challenge Cup #37 Europe
2018/05/203on3 Elimination Spring Cup 2018 Europe
2018/05/18QC 2on2 TDM Cup #15 Europe
2018/05/17QC 1on1 Spring 2018 Finals Russia&CIS
2018/05/16Duel Challenge Cup #36 Europe
2016/09/12Go4Overwatch Monthly Finals
2018/05/14 Go4Overwatch Europe April 2018 Finals
2018/04/09 Go4Overwatch Europe March 2018 Finals
2018/03/12 Go4Overwatch Europe February 2018 Finals
2018/02/12 Go4Overwatch Europe January 2018 Finals
2018/01/08 Go4Overwatch Europe December 2017 Finals
2017/12/11 Go4Overwatch Europe November 2017 Finals
2017/11/13 Go4Overwatch Europe October 2017 Finals
2017/10/09 Go4Overwatch Europe September 2017 Finals
2017/09/11 Go4Overwatch Europe August 2017 Finals
2017/08/14 Go4Overwatch Europe July 2017 Finals
2017/07/10 Go4Overwatch June 2017 Finals
2017/06/12 Go4Overwatch May 2017 Finals
2017/05/08 Go4Overwatch April 2017 Finals
2017/04/10 Go4Overwatch March 2017 Finals
2017/03/13 Go4Overwatch February 2017 Finals
2017/02/13 Go4Overwatch January 2017 Finals
2017/01/09 Go4Overwatch December 2016 Finals
2016/12/12 Go4Overwatch November 2016 Finals
2016/11/14 Go4Overwatch October 2016 Finals
2016/10/10 Go4Overwatch September 2016 Finals
2016/09/12 Go4Overwatch August 2016 Finals
2016/08/09 Go4Overwatch July 2016 Finals
2018/05/11Duel Challenge Cup #7 North America
2018/05/11QC 2on2 TDM Cup #14 Europe
2018/05/10QC 1on1 Spring 2018 Cup #6 Russia&CIS
2018/05/09Duel Challenge Cup #35 Europe
2018/05/03QC 1on1 Spring 2018 Cup #5 Russia&CIS
2018/04/28QC 2on2 TDM Cup #6 North America
2018/04/27Duel Challenge Cup #6 North America
2018/04/27QC 2on2 TDM Cup #13 Europe
2018/04/26QC 1on1 Spring 2018 Cup #4 Russia&CIS
2018/04/25Duel Challenge Cup #34 Europe
2018/04/21Community Cup #29 Europe
2018/04/20QC 2on2 TDM Cup #12 Europe
2018/04/19QC 1on1 Spring 2018 Cup #3 Russia&CIS
2018/04/18Duel Challenge Cup #33 Europe
2018/04/15QC 2on2 TDM Cup #5 North America
2018/04/14Duel Community Cup #7 Latin America
2018/04/13Duel Challenge Cup #5 North America
2018/04/13QC 2on2 TDM Cup #11 Europe
2018/04/12QC 1on1 Spring 2018 Cup #2 Russia&CIS
2018/04/11Duel Challenge Cup #32 Europe
2018/04/07Duel Community Cup #6 Latin America
2018/04/06QC 2on2 TDM Cup #10 Europe
2018/04/05QC 1on1 Spring 2018 Cup #1 Russia&CIS
2018/04/04Duel Challenge Cup #31 Europe
2018/04/02Easter Duel Cup 2018
2018/04/01QC 2on2 TDM Cup #4 North America
2018/03/31Duel Community Cup #5 Latin America
2018/03/30QC 2on2 TDM Cup #9 Europe
2018/03/28Duel Challenge Cup #30 Europe
2018/03/25Community Cup #28 Europe
2018/03/24Duel Community Cup #4 Latin America
2018/03/23QC 2on2 TDM Cup #8 Europe
2018/03/21Duel Challenge Cup #29 Europe
2018/03/18QC 2on2 TDM Cup #3 North America
2018/03/17Duel Community Cup #3 Latin America
2018/03/17Duel Challenge Cup #3 North America
2018/03/16QC 2on2 TDM Cup #7 Europe
2018/03/14Duel Challenge Cup #28 Europe
2018/03/13Blitz Ladder
2018/03/10Duel Community Cup #2 Latin America
2018/03/09QC 2on2 TDM Cup #6 Europe
2018/03/07Duel Challenge Cup #27 Europe
2018/03/05Weekly Duel Challenge Monthly Final February 2018
2018/03/03Duel Community Cup #1 Latin America
2018/03/03Duel Challenge Cup #4 North America
2018/03/02QC 2on2 TDM Cup #5 Europe
2018/02/28Weekly Duel Challenge #5 Europe
2018/02/25QC 2on2 TDM Cup #2 North America
2018/02/24Duel Challenge Cup #2 North America
2018/02/23QC 2on2 TDM Cup #4 Europe
2018/02/21Weekly Duel Challenge #4 Europe
2018/02/18QC 2on2 TDM Cup #1 North America
2018/02/17Duel Challenge Cup #1 North America
2018/02/16QC 2on2 TDM Cup #3 Europe
2018/02/14Weekly Duel Challenge #3 Europe
2018/02/09QC 2on2 TDM Cup #2 Europe
2018/02/07Weekly Duel Challenge #2 Europe
2018/02/04iCTF Winter League 2018 Europe
2018/02/02QC 2on2 TDM Cup #1 Europe
2018/02/01Weekly Duel Challenge #1 Europe
2018/01/27Duel Challenge Cup #26 Europe
2018/01/18Duel Challenge Cup #25 Europe
2018/01/12Duel Community Cup #8 Russia & CIS
2018/01/11Duel Challenge Cup #24 Europe
2018/01/04Duel Challenge Cup #23 Europe
2017/11/11Go4QC South America
2017/12/29 Go4QC TDM #8 South America
2017/12/28 Go4QC Duel #8 South America
2017/12/22 Go4QC TDM #7 South America
2017/12/21 Go4QC Duel #7 South America
2017/12/17 Go4QC TDM #6 South America
2017/12/16 Go4QC Duel #6 South America
2017/12/10 Go4QC TDM #5 South America
2017/12/09 Go4QC Duel #5 South America
2017/12/03 Go4QC TDM #4 South America
2017/12/02 Go4QC Duel #4 South America
2017/11/26 Go4QC TDM #3 South America
2017/11/25 Go4QC Duel #3 South America
2017/11/19 Go4QC TDM #2 South America
2017/11/18 Go4QC Duel #2 South America
2017/11/12 Go4QC TDM #1 South America
2017/11/11 Go4QC Duel #1 South America
2017/12/28Duel Challenge Cup #22 Europe
2017/12/21Duel Challenge Cup #21 Europe
2017/12/17Blitz Cup #1 Europe
2017/11/11Go4QC ANZ
2017/12/17 Go4QC TDM #6 ANZ
2017/12/16 Go4QC Duel #6 ANZ
2017/12/10 Go4QC TDM #5 ANZ
2017/12/09 Go4QC Duel #5 ANZ
2017/12/03 Go4QC TDM #4 ANZ
2017/12/02 Go4QC Duel #4 ANZ
2017/11/26 Go4QC TDM #3 ANZ
2017/11/25 Go4QC Duel #3 ANZ
2017/11/19 Go4QC TDM #2 ANZ
2017/11/18 Go4QC Duel #2 ANZ
2017/11/12 Go4QC TDM #1 ANZ
2017/11/11 Go4QC Duel #1 ANZ
2017/12/15Duel Challenge Cup #20 Europe
2017/12/08Duel Community Cup #7 Russia & CIS
2017/12/07Duel Challenge Cup #19 Europe
2017/12/03Community Cup #27 Europe
2017/12/03Community Cup #26 Europe
2017/12/01Duel Community Cup #6 Russia & CIS
2017/11/30Duel Challenge Cup #18 Europe
2017/11/24Duel Community Cup #5 Russia & CIS
2017/11/23Duel Challenge Cup #17 Europe
2017/11/192v2 Assault Cup Europe
2017/11/19Community Cup #25 Europe
2017/11/17Duel Community Cup #4 Russia & CIS
2017/11/16Duel Challenge Cup #16 Europe
2017/11/11Duel Community Cup #3 Russia & CIS
2017/11/09Duel Challenge Cup #15 Europe
2017/11/05Community Cup #24 Europe
2017/11/04Duel Community Cup #2 Russia & CIS
2017/11/01Italian Esports Open 2017
2017/11/03 Quake Champions Italian Esports Open 2017
2017/11/02Duel Challenge Cup #14 Europe
2017/08/08Go4Overwatch EU
2017/10/29 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #74
2017/10/22 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #73
2017/10/15 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #72
2017/10/08 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #71
2017/10/01 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #70
2017/09/24 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #69
2017/09/17 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #68
2017/09/10 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #67
2017/09/03 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #66
2017/08/27 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #65
2017/08/20 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #64
2017/08/13 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #63
2017/08/06 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #62
2017/07/30 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #61
2017/07/23 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #60
2017/07/16 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #59
2017/07/09 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #58
2017/06/25 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #56
2017/06/18 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #55
2017/06/11 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #54
2017/06/04 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #53
2017/05/28 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #52
2017/05/21 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #51
2017/05/14 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #50
2017/04/30 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #48
2017/04/23 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #47
2017/04/16 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #46
2017/03/26 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #43
2017/03/19 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #42
2017/03/12 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #41
2016/10/23 Go4Overwatch Europe Cup #21
2017/10/28Duel Community Cup #1 Russia & CIS
2017/10/26Duel Challenge Cup #13 Europe
2017/10/22Community Cup #23 Europe
2017/10/21Duel Challenge Cup #12 North America
2017/10/19Duel Challenge Cup #12 Europe
2017/10/14QC 1on1 Duel Community Cup #2 AU & NZ
2017/10/14Duel Challenge Cup #11 North America
2017/10/12Duel Challenge Cup #11 Europe
2017/10/08Community Cup #22 Europe
2017/10/07Duel Challenge Cup #10 North America
2017/10/05Duel Challenge Cup #10 Europe
2017/09/30QC 1on1 Duel Community Cup #1 AU & NZ
2017/09/30Duel Challenge Cup #9 North America
2017/09/28Duel Challenge Cup #9 Europe
2017/09/24Community Cup #21 Europe
2017/09/23Duel Challenge Cup #8 North America
2017/09/21Duel Challenge Cup #8 Europe
2017/09/16Duel Challenge Cup #7 North America
2017/09/14Duel Challenge Cup #7 Europe
2017/09/09Duel Challenge Cup #6 North America
2017/09/07Duel Challenge Cup #6 Europe
2017/09/03Community Cup #20 Europe
2017/09/02Duel Challenge Cup #5 North America
2017/08/31Duel Challenge Cup #5 Europe
2017/07/23Open Division - Season 1 Playoffs
2017/08/27 OOD'17 S1 Playoff - Latin America
2017/08/26 OOD'17 S1 Playoff - Brazil
2017/08/26 OOD'17 S1 Playoff - North America
2017/08/26 OOD'17 S1 Playoff - Australia & New Zealand
2017/08/26 OOD'17 S1 Playoff - Southeast Asia
2017/08/26Duel Challenge Cup #4 North America
2017/06/29Quake World Championship 2017
2017/08/24 QWC - Duel Finals
2017/08/24 QWC - Sacrifice Finals
2017/08/12 QWC - Duel EU Regional Runnerups
2017/08/06 QWC - Sacrifice NA Regional Finals
2017/08/06 QWC - Sacrifice EU Regional Finals
2017/08/05 QWC - Duel NA Regional Finals
2017/08/05 QWC - Duel EU Regional Finals
2017/07/22 QWC - Sacrifice NA Qualifier #2
2017/07/21 QWC - Duel NA Qualifier #4
2017/07/20 QWC - Duel EU Qualifier #4
2017/07/15 QWC - Sacrifice NA Qualifier #1
2017/07/14 QWC - Duel NA Qualifier #3
2017/07/13 QWC - Duel EU Qualifier #3
2017/07/08 QWC - Sacrifice EU Qualifier #2
2017/07/07 QWC - Duel NA Qualifier #2
2017/07/06 QWC - Duel EU Qualifier #2
2017/07/01 QWC - Sacrifice EU Qualifier #1
2017/07/01 QWC - Duel NA Qualifier #1
2017/06/29 QWC - Duel EU Qualifier #1
2017/08/24Duel Challenge Cup #4 Europe
2017/08/20Community Cup #19 Europe
2017/08/19Duel Challenge Cup #3 North America
2017/08/17Duel Challenge Cup #3 Europe
2017/08/14TDM Community Cup Europe
2017/07/30Champions Series 2017 NA
2017/08/13 Champions Series 2017 NA Cup #1
2017/07/30 Champions Series 2017 NA Qualifier #1
2017/08/12Duel Challenge Cup #2 North America
2017/08/10Duel Challenge Cup #2 Europe
2017/08/06Community Cup #17 Europe
2017/08/05Duel Challenge Cup #1 North America
2017/08/03Duel Challenge Cup #1 Europe
2017/07/30Community Cup #18 Europe
2017/06/251on1 Summer Cup 2017 NA
2017/06/18Community Cup #15 Europe
2017/06/04Community Cup #14 Europe
2017/03/12ESL AU & NZ Championship
2017/05/27 ESL ANZ Championship 2017 Season 1 Finals
2017/04/23 ESL ANZ Championship 2017 April Monthly Final
2017/03/19 ESL ANZ Championship 2017 March Monthly Final
2017/05/21Community Cup #13 Europe
2017/05/10DM-LDK Test Cup #1
2017/04/23Duel Spring League 2017 Europe
2017/05/04 Spring League 2017 Europe
2017/04/27 Spring League 2017 Qualification Cup #3 Europe
2017/04/25 Spring League 2017 Qualification Cup #2 Europe
2017/04/23 Spring League 2017 Qualification Cup #1 Europe
2017/04/30Community Cup #12 Europe
2017/04/171on1 Easter Cup 2017 Europe
2017/04/143on3 Elimination Easter Cup 2017 Europe
2017/04/025v5 Inaugural CTF Draft League
2017/03/26iCTF Spring Cup 2017 Europe
2017/04/02 iCTF Spring Cup 2017 Europe Division 2
2017/04/02 iCTF Spring Cup 2017 Europe Division 1
2017/04/02 iCTF Spring Cup 2017 Europe Division 3
2017/03/26 iCTF Spring 2017 Europe Qualifications
2017/04/02Community Cup #11 Europe
2017/03/19Community Cup #10 Europe
2017/03/11ESL Unreal Tournament Pre-Alpha Open League Winter 2017 Europe
2017/03/12 Duel Open League Winter 2017 Europe Division 1 Playoffs
2017/03/12 Duel Open League Winter 2017 Europe Division 2 Playoffs
2017/03/12 Duel Open League Winter 2017 Europe Division 3 Playoffs
2017/03/11 Duel Open League Winter 2017 Europe Groupstage
2017/02/27ESL Italia Championship - Summer 2017
2017/01/14Winter Elimination Series 2017 Europe
2017/02/26 3on3 Winter Series 2017 Elimination Finals Europe
2017/02/19 3on3 Winter Series 2017 Elimination Cup #3 Europe
2017/02/12 3on3 Winter Series 2017 Elimination Cup #2 Europe
2017/01/14 3on3 Winter Series 2017 Elimination Cup #1 Europe
2017/02/261on1 Winter Cup 2017 North America
2017/02/12ESL Brasil Premier League Season 3 Qualifier 1
2017/01/27Community Cup #8 Europe
2017/01/223on3 Elimination Cup North America - Winter 2017
2017/01/12UT Pre-Alpha 1on1 New Year's Cup 2017 North America
2016/12/20Community Cup #3 Europe
2016/12/191on1 Autumn Cup #2 2016 North America - UT Pre-Alpha
2016/12/173on3 Elimination Cup #2 Europe
2016/12/16ANZ Opening Cup - ESL
2016/12/16IEM XI Gyeonggi
2016/12/13Community Cup #2 Europe
2016/12/06Community Cup #1 Europe
2016/12/043on3 Elimination Cup #1 Europe
2016/12/03Italia Championship Winter 2016 Finals
2016/11/30Open Cup Series Final Listopad Poland
2016/11/27Duel Cup Europe - ESL Autumn 2016
2016/11/27 Duel Cup Europe Playoffs - ESL Autumn 2016 - Division 1 Duel
2016/11/27 Duel Cup Europe Playoffs - ESL Autumn 2016 - Division 2 Duel
2016/11/20 Duel Cup Europe Swiss Qualifier - ESL Autumn 2016
2016/11/14Elimination Cup North America - ESL Autumn 2016
2016/10/302on2 TDM Autumn Cup 2016 Europe - UT Pre-Alpha
2016/09/26ESL UK Premiership
2016/10/30 ESL UK Premiership Playoffs
2016/09/20 ESL UK Premiership Group Stage
2016/10/261on1 Autumn Cup 2016 North America - UT Pre-Alpha
2016/09/08Shark Gaming Cup Series Nordic - September 2016
2016/10/08 Shark Gaming Cup Series Finals Nordic
2016/10/01 Shark Gaming Cup Series Cup #4 Nordic
2016/09/24 Shark Gaming Cup Series Cup #3 Nordic
2016/09/17 Shark Gaming Cup Series Cup #2 Nordic
2016/09/10 Shark Gaming Cup Series Cup #1 Nordic
2016/10/021on1 Zenith Test Cup #3
2016/08/08ESL King of the Hill
2016/09/27 ESL King of the Hill #8
2016/09/20 ESL King of the Hill #7
2016/09/13 ESL King of the Hill #6
2016/09/06 ESL King of the Hill #5
2016/09/06 ESL King of the Hill #4
2016/08/22 ESL King of the Hill #3
2016/08/15 ESL King of the Hill #2
2016/08/09 ESL King of the Hill #1
2016/07/31Summer Series 2016
2016/09/25 Summer 3on3 Elimination Cup Finals North America
2016/09/18 Summer 3on3 Elimination Cup Finals Europe
2016/09/11 Summer Duel Cup Finals North America
2016/09/06 Summer Duel Cup Finals Europe
2016/09/04 Summer 3on3 Elimination Cup #3 North America
2016/09/04 Summer 3on3 Elimination Cup #3 Europe
2016/08/28 Summer Duel Cup #3 North America
2016/08/28 Summer Duel Cup #3 Europe
2016/08/21 Summer 3on3 Elimination Cup #2 North America
2016/08/21 Summer 3on3 Elimination Cup #2 Europe
2016/08/14 Summer Duel Cup #2 North America
2016/08/14 Summer Duel Cup #2 Europe
2016/08/07 Summer 3on3 Elimination Cup #1 North America
2016/08/07 Summer 3on3 Elimination Cup #1 Europe
2016/08/04 Summer Duel Cup #1 North America
2016/07/31 Summer Duel Cup #1 Europe
2016/08/20Atlantic Showdown
2016/08/20 Atlantic Showdown
2016/08/03 Atlantic Showdown Finals Americas
2016/08/01 Atlantic Showdown Finals Europe
2016/07/24Zenith Duel Swiss Cup #2 - UT Pre-Alpha
2016/06/29ESL UT4 Pre-Alpha 1on1 Zenith Test Cup #1
2016/06/27ASUS ROG 10th Anniversary
2016/06/25Amazon Gaming Series
2016/05/08ESL Arena Overwatch Open Romania
2016/04/18UT Pre-Alpha Spring League 2016
2016/04/18 UT Pre-Alpha Spring League 2016 - 1on1 Spring League Europe Div1
2016/04/18 UT Pre-Alpha Spring League 2016 - 1on1 Spring League North America
2016/04/18 UT Pre-Alpha Spring League 2016 - 2on2 TDM Spring League Europe
2016/04/18 UT Pre-Alpha Spring League 2016 - 2on2 TDM Spring League North America
2016/04/18 UT Pre-Alpha Spring League 2016 - 1on1 Spring League Europe Div2
2016/04/17 UT Pre-Alpha Spring League 2016 - 1on1 Spring League Europe Groupstage
2016/03/26ESL UT4 Pre-Alpha Easter Cup 2016
2016/03/26 ESL UT4 Pre-Alpha Easter Cup 2016 - 2on2 TDM Easter Cup 2016 North Ame
2016/03/26 ESL UT4 Pre-Alpha Easter Cup 2016 - 2on2 TDM Easter Cup 2016 Europe
2016/03/19UT Pre-Alpha Ladder
2016/03/19 UT Pre-Alpha Ladder - Duel Ladder Europe
2016/03/19 UT Pre-Alpha Ladder - Duel Ladder North America
2016/03/19 UT Pre-Alpha Ladder - 2on2 TDM Ladder Europe
2016/03/05ESL UT4 Pre-Alpha Opening Cup
2016/03/05 ESL UT4 Pre-Alpha Opening Cup - 1on1 Opening Cup Europe
2016/03/05 ESL UT4 Pre-Alpha Opening Cup - 1on1 Opening Cup North America
2011/10/27ESL Major Series IX
2011/09/12Country Championship 2011
2011/03/05IEM5 World Championship Finals
2011/02/20ESL Major Series VIII
2011/01/20IEM5 European Championship Finals
2010/12/03ESL Pro Series 17 Germany
2010/10/09IEM5 American Championship Finals
2010/09/16ESL Major Series VII
2010/08/21IEM5 Global Challenge Gamescom
2010/07/14ESL Pro Series 3 UK
2010/06/26ESL Pro Series 4 Benelux
2010/06/11ESL Pro Series 16 Germany
2010/04/03ASUS European Nations Championship 2010
2010/03/27ESL Pro Series 6 Spain
2010/03/24ESL Major Series VI
2010/03/06IEM4 World Championship Finals
2010/02/08IEM4 Game On Cross Country Finals
2010/02/07IEM4 Asian Championship Finals
2010/01/24IEM4 European Championship Finals
2010/01/06IEM4 Game On DACH Final
2010/01/06IEM4 Game On France Final
2010/01/06IEM4 Game On Middle East Final
2010/01/06IEM4 Game On Poland Final
2010/01/06IEM4 Game On Russian Region Final
2010/01/06IEM4 Game On Spain Final
2010/01/06IEM4 Game On Turkey Final
2010/01/06IEM4 Game On Italy Final
2010/01/06IEM4 Game On UK & Ireland Final
2009/12/13IEM4 American Championship Finals
2009/12/01IEM4 European Championship
2009/11/30IEM4 American Championship
2009/11/27IEM4 Game On Nordic Final
2009/10/18IEM4 Global Challenge Dubai
2009/10/04ESL Major Series V
2009/08/21IEM4 Cologne Pro/Am Challenge
2009/08/02ESL-TV QL Invitational
2009/07/07ESL Major Series IV
2009/07/03ESL Pro Series 2 UK