08:21 UTC

id takes back control of Doom's broken multiplayer on PC

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"Our bot system was actually written by one of our long-time senior programmers, John Dean, known online as 'Maleficus', who also wrote the Return to Castle Wolfenstein Fritz bot and the bots in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, so he does great work with bots. But John also just happens to be our internal lead programmer on SnapMap, so he's very busy."

1 guy, 2 jobs. Typical america !
posted 8 years ago
This is very good news. i am stil a month or two away form getting my new PC .. so i will be finally able to play doom and i was affraid doom MP will be no more in that time.
posted 8 years ago
It probably will :D
posted 8 years ago
it only matters for MP i am buying this game for the SP alone. Anything else is a bonus.
posted 8 years ago
I think id did not really think of doom multiplayer as the kind of product we would like. They would not have commissioned it to a company that did Halo multiplayer if they did.
posted 8 years ago
You mean like Quake Champions which is also made in cooperation with another Halo dev?;)
posted 8 years ago
Now that is something to be worried about. But at the same time it's also a matter of how much effort id is planning. I'm assuming during doom they were fully focusing on single player which is really what the game is about. I imagine a lot of pressure on them to make sure they delivered properly after the project got pivot hard. Here my hope is that they'll have a core team at id following quake champs and closely directing what the external studio does. I feel it would be crazy not to do that and let another bad halo clone out, since this product is just about The multi, and releases on PC only.
posted 8 years ago
Personally i think they are just using saber interactive to get more man power. Id has a lot of open positions so until those get filled they need to get people to help them from elsewhere.
posted 8 years ago
If that's the case, even better. What I really want for this project is id as a company really caring about it.
posted 8 years ago
since id is taking doom MP control, they might bring doom up to speed tho... FFA and CTF incoming.. also expanded snapmaps stuff, like hell maps/modules.
posted 8 years ago
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