Rating Status: Not rated (bots present) lolwut?
Ok, just wondering why it does this, it's not the first time i seen this happen and there is no bots present at all.
Dunno how much elo i would have lost if it got rated, or not even what i would gain, performance has been good more than bad when this has happened. And i stopped playing on the dogs server just because it randomly doesn't add rating to when i play decent, and mostly just count for the -rating... which annoys the hell out of me.
And this is my qlstats user/ID
Dunno how much elo i would have lost if it got rated, or not even what i would gain, performance has been good more than bad when this has happened. And i stopped playing on the dogs server just because it randomly doesn't add rating to when i play decent, and mostly just count for the -rating... which annoys the hell out of me.
And this is my qlstats user/ID
And there IS a players with steam-id 0 on it, which is a bot and not a real player.
When the rating process sees a 0-ID, it ignores the match. It's not applying some voodoo logic trying to find out what the bot did in the game ... which would be impossible anyway since there isn't any more data available than what you see in that file.
And if i follow your link and look through the data, which according to my logic shows that the so called bot wasn't even playing, so i'm guessing the playtime shows in seconds if i'm correct, and then it shows 9seconds.
It dealt 0 damage, took 0 damage and didn't do anything at all, so for me it all looks like it's some bug?!
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The current rating logic is simple. Bots in the match data => ignore the match. period. no advanced "trying to find out what the bot did".
When server admins decide to add bots, they have to consider the consequences.
It's not my responsibility to fix all the shortcomings of ID software, server admins and players.
But i do understand what you mean... :) so yes, ofc, i am glad for the replies i got freom you so far, it's good enough for me!
But another question, no rating for this game, http://qlstats.net/game/1007746
i just wanna know how the system works, that's all :) even if you can't do anything about, all i wanna know is how it works, simply!
Thanks for your time and your replies! I appreciate it very much! SOrry if it came out the wrong way though, wasn't meant like that :)
For unknown reasons some matches drop out of the processing queue.
Normally matches get processed on-the-fly when they are received from the game server. If something goes wrong, the data is stored in a file for later processing that happens on an hourly schedule. Somehow these matches fall through both systems.