In this installment of Dirty Mail, we'll go over the upcoming competitive events, covering Europe, North American, and Oceania. Provide a run down of some of the notable community content, including a few of guides I've used, and think are helpful to players of all skill levels. Finally we'll cover the most recent Dirty Bomb update, and developer stream. Summer Open League
As we had predicted in the of July 11, 2015 installment of Dirty Mail, the "soon" (tm) by the administrators turned into an announcement1 of a weekly league, culminating in a playoffs, with over $3000+ USD on the line for the winning teams. There are two regional divisions, North America, and Europe, and with over 60 teams signed-up this will be a very competitive format, demanding the best out of teams. Don't show up and expect a cake walk! If you're reading this then it's too late to register, as registration is now closed, and the first week's scheduled has been released.
Teams are urged to read the rules, and make sure they are aware of useful commands to switch maps, and pause the game. The administrators have made a very instructive video for teams to help them understand how schedule their games, and report their matches. If you are signed-up, I highly recommend that you give it a watch.
LowLandLions' Frag Fest #5
The guys over at the historic LowLandLions organization will be hosting their fifth Dirty Bomb tournament in the Frag Fest series. Starting Tuesday July 28, 2015, at 17:00 UTC, and teams checking-in as of 16:30 UTC, this event has 12 teams registered, including notable sign-ups such as PlanetKey Dynamics, and Pompoms. With 85, 000 in-game credits on the line, event should provide some closely contested, and entertaining matches. Check out the full bracket to catch your favourite teams, and games.
The final tournament announcement is for the Oceania region, with CyberGamer hosting a tournament for Australian, and New Zealand players. The league is set to start on Sunday July 26, 2015, with $500 AUD top prize for the winning team. A few teams have signed up, so head over over to the CyberGamer website to sign-up.
Fine Tuning Update Jul. 22, 2015
Earlier today Dirty Bomb received a much anticipate update, focusing on balancing the game, including reducing the aim-punch effect, re-balancing the Phantom merc, fixing the Sparks merc, as well as many other changes the game-play mechanics, and mercs.
The fellows at Splash Damage hosted their developer stream once again on July 15, 2015, and there were some cool things to point out. Once again, much thanks to /u/DOGpls, who was kind enough to let us use his notes. Splash Damage is focusing on two pressing issues, firstly important updates to the user interface, hopefully this includes an easier system to manipulate the interface, as well as updates to the way the match-making system works. Unfortunately, the focus on balancing does mean that the Splash Damage has moved things like private match-making back, although this is disappointing, I think it's reasonable. The next update will also a marked improvement in the spectator features, but, it appears like many graphical commands will be clamped to prevent certain graphical configurations. Today's update also brought about some of the changes they discuss in this stream, including re-working aim-punch, re-balancing Phatom, and fixing Sparks.
Today the guest was Spike, a User Interface Programmer (works on the HUD and the in-game menus). He is the newest guy at Splash Damage and has been with the company for about a month and a half.
Today's stream focused on the UI (User Interface) elements of Dirty Bomb as Spike is a UI Programmer.
Tons of resources are being put towards improving the matchmaking. No timelines, but it sounds like there will be small improvements rolled out at first while they work on big awesome changes.
No real plans to add features to the mini-map at the moment. They want to improve it, but it didn't sound like it was high priority. They'd much prefer to fix the issues with the map before adding stuff to it.
No plans on releasing the Echo data collection to the public like heat maps.
HUD configuration will remain only possible through .ini files until SD adds all the HUD features they want and fix any issues.
For those who don't watch the streams, shoe makes notes of every suggestion and idea for the team to discuss and look at later. For example, someone suggested to have the ability for medics to reclaim their med packs. Shoe thought it was an awesome idea and noted it down. In general, one of shoe's main jobs is going through reddit, the Dirty Bomb forums, and Steam reviews, collecting ideas and criticism, and relaying it back to the developers. This is how Splash Damage prioritizes what they put in updates.
Spike actually looks at fan made UI configurations for ideas on how to change the default one.
In the next update we will absolutely for sure see changes to aim-punch and Phantom.
Did not reveal what the Phantom changes will be.
Did not reveal when this update will be other than "soon".
Aim-punch will be more in-line with what the competitive community wants.
Coherent UI is getting updates that will fix the hitching players have had.
There will be updates to the Spectator HUD in the next update. It will be much better according to shoe. The competitive community "will love it".
Features like private matchmaking have been pushed back due to working on Phantom balancing.
While no plans to have an Engie merc be free like Skyhammer and Aura, there will always be an Engineer in the free rotation.
shoe confirms that the team has been removing some console commands lately. They've found players doing shady things like removing explosive effects and things like trees which would give them an unfair advantage. They understand some of these console commands have helped people get better performance out of the game, but they are currently working on an "Ultra Low" setting that will help out a lot of people with low-end PCs and laptops.
There will be changes and fixes to Sparks including her damage to EVs and bugs in the next patch. They want her to be playable in DirtyCups.
They are still working on the anti-cheat options. Gave no new information on the topic.
The Phantom update controversy has increased their desire for a Public Test Realm. It's still in a planning phase though.
Broken augments are currently fixed and are currently being ran through to make sure everything is perfect before being patched in-game.
They really want people to be able customize everything about the game from SDKs to UI, but they need to prioritize fixing the game they currently have before letting us create and mess with things.
ADS sensitivity can be changed in console. They want to add a slider but its low priority with their limited dev resources.
Fixing bugs will always take priority over adding features.
When private lobbies get put in the game, they will use community feedback as to which modifiable rules/things players should be able to change in the game. Example given was View Bob and how if the community wanted View Bob to be turned off by default in private lobbies, SD could make it happen.
In terms of community news there were a few things that piqued my interest:
TotalBiscuit gave up his thoughts on the Phantom merc in a recent podcast.
dreo is having public give way for reaching 1, 000 twitch subscribers! With three days leftgo ahead and enter. Also, don't forget to check out his twitch channel.
In this final part, I wanted to share some guides that I've relied upon, and have provided to new players. To be honest I think are very helpful for players of all skill levels, so please check them out, and support the content creators:
the problem was with Katana script (with insane turn speed), and they "fixed" it with screwing up all ppl's melee. SD should be more careful, coz it is Open beta, it is basically release. every mistake is crutial. (first - OP phantom, now messing up player's input) I want this game to be big, and every mistake now saddens me =(