HoQ TDM Spring Season Draft Groups
The signups of
Quake Live TDM 4v4 Spring Season 2017 have been closed. Here are the draft groups. Division 1 will play Sundays 19:00 UTC, Division 2 will play Mondays 19:00 UTC and Division 3 plays Tuesdays 19:00 UTC. The Spring Season will start Sunday 9th of April.
Links: Rules, Signup,
House of Quake,

- B52: HiRi_, Prestij, Troolz, evt, cherepoff, lethiferous
- Falafel Kings: un4x, hodenmann, smurfy, trippy, noobakillah
- KogdaKvad: pecka, antonio_by, d1z, hattifnattar, YegorB
- lastpick: bab, bl4jnd, fresARN, proZaC, stickan
- Rekt: rehepapp, khan, gienon, brescia, h8m3, Xron
- Team Hungary: dash, feeder, s7ry, Wood
- Worldstar: R1EPA, Ant3stor, GaRpY, 4by55, Luminus
- hey: omen, 421, femme_fatale, real_grubby, Alostraz, N0tnice
- I Love My Squad: Osnart, snaga, Eteto, JunkZ, pipeline
- Pandæmonium: headz, Drayan, Freiya, dehumanizer, haz_mat, XPEHOPE3
- Quake Brothers: lostcost, inz_, andjey, kke, qbn1, s0da
- Raks: 170bpm, Kalter, KindDevil, ratu, Dmkn, Mureau
- unnamedteam: oldsplatterhand, chubz, ani, t.krr, kane, drki
- Zombei: k1lljoy, furti_ve, Laskiy, vityafx, zanes_
- Anchors: maf, Gibi, kartman, creator, nxsofsys, KuleshoV
- Assassin Conspiracy: Eltonr98, mapamapa, ahle, Yūko, dazz
- Catz&Slippers: Fliperrr, 8Myp3uk, trancer, koshmare, shinobbi, axEy
- get armor frag bitches: aesick, tKy, pebben, saka1, dnf_nocturne
- OverPowered: Skillz, NotueRn, jugg1s, Grels
- Placebo Effect: Prophy, lo2dk, veRRo, chaaron, SouJirO, qoyote
- Platige Team: kosq3, spooky, SSRI, cream, zeal_x, r1bo
- Virtual Owners: Ewil, dzouKi, Dloobiq, brajente
- Chess Club: NeyroN, Play_ua, DMN, Betelgeuse, Dznglm
- Deep Inside
- Dreadful place
- Grim Dungeons
- Hidden Fortress
- Limbus
- Purgatory
- Ragnarok

Links: Rules, Signup,