Aerotalk Podcast with PapaSmurf

Topics discussed:
- Overwatch esports
- Mousesports UT Team
- Diabotical Update
- Reflex Release
- Quake Champions
QLSTATS Bug reports |
QLSTATS Activate account |
QLSTATS How it works? |
QLSTATS Install QLstats on Server |
QLSTATS Change CA Elo Calculation |
QLSTATS Account deactivated |
Serieux bee's knees! |
el33t k1ll4z |
in Denial |
Oldschool |
Team Russia |
? |
? |
in Denial |
Team Russia |
el33t k1ll4z |
bukster |
baSe |
baSe |
baSe |
St0n3 |
baSe |
Keltz |
St0n3 |
bukster |
Keltz |
bukster |
baSe |
I hope it will have a new guest every week like you had PapaSmurf this time around.
I myself could talk a lot about UT4 and its problems but to be frank I didnt try it for about 1 year, I lost patience and hope with Epic Games after they started the offensive ban-hammer march on and Discord to everyone whos vocal about the problems in UT4.
Believe me it doesn't take insults to get perm banned by Epic Games. All it takes is consistently pointing out the problems that remains apparent to everyone.
To give a concrete example - Laggy/Inaccurate mouse input.
Mouse input is a fundamental part of a FPS game. But your not allowed to remind them about this or other fundamental problems. You will be banned - If you do it more than a few times (and yes if you care about the game and follow UT4 and its updates for 2+ years it will add up to more than a handful comments).
Nomatter if the problem has remained consistent from day 1 to day 700-1000.