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Can Unreal Tournament 4 Stage a Comeback?

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I hope they can get something going with the game. I followed the development for a while but haven't payed that much attention lately.

I'm talking out of my ass here but it seems like the old guys on the dev team are making all the important decisions. From what I've seen and heard they seem a bit out of touch with modern gaming. I would let the younger guys on the team call the shots and see what they can come up with, the game needs some fresh ideas and radical changes in my opinion.
posted 7 years ago
You must not have played in last year or 2. There really are fresh ideas in this game like fresh gamemodes Siege (Flag Invasion) and Blitz (Flag Run). Spectating and recording is advanced, easy and fresh (didn't see it in any other game like in UT). Also, for many players, game feels finished, but it's still Pre-Alpha, which means more features coming up! Imho it's too early to judge the game, as Epic says too.
posted 7 years ago
Yeah you're right, it's over a year since I touched the game. My biggest issue with the game is definitely the movement, it's basically UT99 with slide and wall dodge spam, it's just not enjoyable to me. To get me wanting to play again they would need to bring something exciting to the movement. It's fine if they make a game that's not for me but there doesn't seem to be many people playing it, or much hype. That's surprising to me for a game with a well known name and long history made by a big developer.

I would have expected more stuff around the game by now like in-game tournament systems, in-game ladders, in-game spectating, loot boxes, weapon skins, achievement systems etc. All that stuff around the game that's becoming more and more important in modern games seems lacking, I know it's pre-alpha but how long can you really use that excuse?
posted 7 years ago
There are achievements, ranked duel matchmaking and spectating ingame. Weapons skins are planned afaik. Rest of the list isn't available but I think it will become priority soon.
posted 7 years ago
Epic Games are not letting banned people back on their forum or Discord. Maybe if you try to evade it and make new fake accounts you could get back but I'm not like that.

If Epic Games wants to make comeback at FPS, imo it starts with them being honest and open about the problems and being able to listen to feedback even when it doesn't represent the image they want to portray.
posted 7 years ago
oops forgot to log in. That was me , the post above.

Anyways, I would rather give feedback on the official channels that are supported by Epic. That would be their Forum and Discord server. Not going to give feedback here, knowing they probably won't see it (wasted effort).
posted 7 years ago
I'm sorry if you don't see how they listen to community. They do, but not every possible feedback.
posted 7 years ago
you only see them listening to the people who remain unbanned. You can only see what they allow. If you call it listening then sure.
posted 7 years ago
I posted this on the UT-forums about UT-movement and I thought I would post it here, since I wrote a comment about making movement more exciting earlier, incase someone is interested. I'm definitely not the foremost expert on UT-movement but sometimes I get crazy ideas and I share them to hopefully get some meaningful discussion going :]

One of the reasons I prefer UT2004 movement over the current movement in this new UT is that you don't have to spam dodge nearly as much to move from point A to point B with UT2004 dodge-jump. I don't think they should change it to UT2004 movement, there's already a very good game with that flavour of UT-movement. UT-dodging works great for combat but it's not fun to spam for moving long distances, Quake-style strafe jumping is the most enjoyable movement system I've tried in FPS games for moving long distances.

I played an MMORPG called Black Desert Online a while back and that game has interesting action combat with double-tap dodging and slides similar to UT. BDO also has different movement options and attacks you trigger by tapping certain keycombos, similar to how it works in fighting games like Street Fighter. Playing that game got me thinking about the possibility of implementing special moves that require certain keycombos to execute in UT, I mean UT is already a game for keymashers so it fits in I think. You could have a limited resource required for some special moves, like in BDO and Street Fighter where you have limited energy/combo meter, that prevents players from overusing them. As an example you could have keycombos for a fast sprint, a fast slide with movement control after a dodge or a extra high jump after a slide. The goal is to make movement outside of combat less repetitive, more enjoyable and interesting to master. There's also a lot of options for special moves to make in close combat but I feel like UT's movement already works well in combat.

If anyone wants to try the movement in BDO it's free to play for 7 days I believe, I recommend the Berserker class since it has the most interesting movement combos in my opinion :]
posted 7 years ago
Really, you want a modern shooter, with bloody lootboxes? That is not what Unreal is or was. This is very sad days for gaming :(
posted 7 years ago
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