The Promode League - Week Two
With Week 1 games all wrapped up (amazing job teams), we enter into Week 2 of games for The Promode League. Below you will be able to find the all of the results for Week 1, including their match pages (which contains match details as well as links to their respective VODs), and predictions/bets for Week 2.
Week 1 Results & VODs
Although Week 1 apparently features quite decisive games, there were some great games regardless. Our match of the week goes to PERIOD vs. teotl. Even though PERIOD ended up winning all three maps, they were are all quite hotly contented games. As anticipated, the old-school veteran Kwong-Lo carried the heavy load, with dys filling big shoes for gellehsak who could not play. I would highly recommend to check out the very last game on The Hot Place which slipped away from the Mexicans in the very dying seconds.
I would also recommend MANGIERIS vs. GetServed. Both these teams are relative newcomers to CPMA, and both showed great competency in the game.
Note: If you have registered to play, and have agreed to a scheduled match, please ensure that you come either prepared, or at least willing to make an effort. Do not show up with your pummel out. It is disrespectful to your team-mate, your opponents, the organizers, and the spectators.
Week 2 Predictions & Bets
This week's predictions are brought to you by myself, naper, and neverGreen. Now that we know what shape the teams there will be less of an x factor when it comes to making accurate predictions, I think.
Europe -- Group A
2 Genders vs. Sandels [ Bets ]
2 Retards vs. Bald and Beautiful [ Bets ]
Europe -- Group B
CZSK vs Team Spain [ Bets ]
Okidoki vs Promode.RU [ Bets ]
Americas -- Group C
MANGIERIS vs. fitemeIRL [ Bets ]
GetServed vs. ProMode Admins [ Bets ]
Americas -- Group D
teotl vs. Trump Walls [ Bets ]
PERIOD vs. RuN [ Bets ]
The Promode League,
CPMA Discord
Week 1 Results & VODs
Although Week 1 apparently features quite decisive games, there were some great games regardless. Our match of the week goes to PERIOD vs. teotl. Even though PERIOD ended up winning all three maps, they were are all quite hotly contented games. As anticipated, the old-school veteran Kwong-Lo carried the heavy load, with dys filling big shoes for gellehsak who could not play. I would highly recommend to check out the very last game on The Hot Place which slipped away from the Mexicans in the very dying seconds.
I would also recommend MANGIERIS vs. GetServed. Both these teams are relative newcomers to CPMA, and both showed great competency in the game.
Note: If you have registered to play, and have agreed to a scheduled match, please ensure that you come either prepared, or at least willing to make an effort. Do not show up with your pummel out. It is disrespectful to your team-mate, your opponents, the organizers, and the spectators.
Group Group A Group A Group B Group B Group C Group C Group D Group D |
Winning Team 2 Retards Sandels Promode.RU Okidoki GetServed ProMode Admins RuN Period |
Losing Team 2 Genders Bald and Beautiful CZSK Team Spain MANGIERIS fitemeIRL Trump Walls teotl |
3-0 3-0 2-1 3-0 3-0 3-0 3-0 |
Match Page & VODs Match Page Match Page Match Page Match Page Match Page Match Page Match Page Match Page |
Week 2 Predictions & Bets
This week's predictions are brought to you by myself, naper, and neverGreen. Now that we know what shape the teams there will be less of an x factor when it comes to making accurate predictions, I think.
Europe -- Group A
2 Genders vs. Sandels [ Bets ]
- I think this is an easy win for Sandels. While chrononaut is a decent player, look for gaiia to one man army against 2 Genders in the same way we saw in last week's games. The only advice I can give to team 2 Genders is to focus on the Quad timing. Last week I saw gaiia get a little too comfortable and completely forget to time/show up for Quad a few times. -- naper.
- gaiia eats 2 Genders for breakfast and would run over four of them. This game will be just another fragmovie made by gaiia. -- neverGreen.
- The guys from 2 Genders will have to have perfect item timing, positioning, and decision making to have a chance to win this game. I think Sandels are beatable, and I hope they don't show gaiia too much respect. They need to be aggressive, and decisive. -- xero.
naper: Sandels 3-0
neverGreen: Sandels 3-0
xero: Sandels 3-0
2 Retards vs. Bald and Beautiful [ Bets ]
- While I think 2 Retards should win fairly easily, this match still has the potential to be interesting. Although we saw Bald and Beautiful get bodied last week by Sandels, they weren't playing with Sinbad who is an experienced old-school player, and a core member of the lineup. To take a map off of 2 Retards their mechanics and timing will have to be top notch, so I hope they bring their A game. -- naper.
- Based on what I've seen ahxnxa is not rusty at all, and together with light they are a solid duo with rock solid performance. Something tells me we could see this team in the finals. -- neverGreen.
- If sinbad shows up this could be a potential match of the week candidate as the poles will have the firepower to challenge for one map. 2 Retards displayed utter dominance against 2 Genders last week, and their combination of skill and experience should be enough to take at least two of three maps, however if they become complacent we could see some real Polish lazery power. -- xero.
naper: 2 Retards 3-0
neverGreen: 2 Retards 3-0
xero: 2 Retards 3-0
Europe -- Group B
CZSK vs Team Spain [ Bets ]
- Before last weeks games, I would have said Team Spain would take this match 3-0. The problem is that Team Spain had a memphis playing who was only technically on the server. If we see the same memphis return, all kimi and neverGreen have to do is time their items/Quad and they should be able to win. However, if we see the memphis that everyone knows and loves playing (to his full potential) we could see Team Spain sweep the series 3-0. -- naper.
- If Team Spain only would play like they did against okidkoi last week. I beleive we will take 2 maps. -- neverGreen.
- Yeah, that was disappointing but I'm hoping the Spaniards get some more time to play this week. If they show up like last week, kimi will time all the items, neverGreen will kill everything and that'll be that. I'm was a bit surprised that memphis wasn't familiar with The Hot Place as it is an older map. In the meanwhile santile's power-levels might increase enough to just carry memphis through this one. I didn't expect CZSK to get beat as badly as they did last week, but they did. Now, they'll have a (potentially) equally dangerous duo against them so they'll need to show up much sharper this time around. -- xero.
naper: CZSK 2-1
neverGreen: CZSK 2-1
xero: Team Spain 2-1
Okidoki vs Promode.RU [ Bets ]
- While we saw okidoki wipe the floor with Team Spain last week, that was all about Team Spain playing poorly and not reflective of team Okidoki's skill. On the other hand the Russians had a convincing 3-0 over CZSK, who are no slouches. I think this series can only go in favor of the Russians but I would love to be proved wrong. -- naper.
- Another candidate for the finals -- Promode.RU. They could lose on Sanctum but will take two remaining maps for sure. -- neverGreen.
- I think Promode.RU has to considered a favorite to take this event after their display last week. As well as okidoki performed last week, they will have to show just that much more prepared this week, and a single map win has to be their objective. If they can zero in on their strongest map, and focus on it, they stand a chance to cause an upset. -- xero.
naper: Promode.RU 3-0
neverGreen: Promode.RU 3-0
xero: Promode.RU 3-0
Americas -- Group C
MANGIERIS vs. fitemeIRL [ Bets ]
- I can't predict this match-up at all. -- naper.
- MANGERIS showed very good form last week even though the Argentinians had to play with a substantial ping disadvantage. They narrowly lost on Left Behind, and had a respectable game on Sanctum. Their ping does mean smaller maps like The Hot Place will be quite difficult to for them to play on. It's unclear what we have fitemeIRL as last week they played one of the top teams in the league. This week, we'll get to see what the combination of Chains, hehateme, and pan1c can muster against a very dangerous opponent. -- xero.
naper: Abstains.
neverGreen: fitemeIRL
xero: 2-1 fitemeIRL
GetServed vs. ProMode Admins [ Bets ]
- Promode Admins are my favorite to win the whole shebang, should be an easy 3-0 for PMA. -- naper.
- PMA are somewhat similar to 2 Retards and on the top of that they have the best team co-ordination in the league. The only limitation is myT's ping. GetServed will be served. -- neverGreen.
- This can only really go one way, and sadly it's not going to be pretty for GetServed. PMA might be the best team in the event and were dominant last week against fitemeIRL demonstrating good awareness, co-ordination, map knowledge, and tactics. This will be a good team to study to get an understanding of how to play the maps. -- xero.
naper: PMA 3-0
neverGreen: PMA 3-0
xero: PMA 3-0
Americas -- Group D
teotl vs. Trump Walls [ Bets ]
- I have played with the Mexicans quite a bit in duels (some 2v2 as well) and I think that they should be able to outclass Trump Walls mechanically. The only question is if they will be able to outclass them cerebrally? During the matches they had against PERIOD, they gave up control of red armor far too often. I think they will win the series overall but I'm not comfortable predicting a 3-0. -- naper
- kaskade put on a performance last week showing some great play making abilities with aggressive rocketjumps, even if it was in a lost cause. Between him and freddiaN they have a good core but some times did not always have the greatest awareness of items. If these guys can start cycling armors and Quad, then kaskade should be able to do some real damage. teotl narrowly lost to one of the favorites of the tournament last week in PERIOD, almost beating them in two of the three maps. This week they'll get their chance for to secure a full nine points so long as forest's computer can hold up. -- xero.
naper: teotl 2-1
neverGreen: Trump Walls
xero: teotl 2-1
PERIOD vs. RuN [ Bets ]
- This one is a no-brainer. While the RuN guys have mechanical skill, Kwong-Lo has years of experience timing armors and Quads. If it is Kwong-Lo and dys playing, I think this will be a 3-0 for Period. However, if gellehsak shows up to play with Kwong-Lo this could turn into a slaughter. -- naper.
- Okay I'm not nearly as convinced that this will be a no-brainer. I think as DankJr and Rigg5 more comfortable in CPMA, they will start hitting harder, and harder. Last week PERIOD had a meaningful ping advantage of two of the three maps, on the final map, where pings were against them, they won by the skin of their teeth. RuN are an eastern team, and won't have any of those disadvantages. Now keep in mind, that they will face two potential challenges: Kwong-Lo is now more familiar on the maps, so his carry potential is going to climb exponentially, and will gellehsak play? -- xero.
naper: PERIOD 3-0
neverGreen: PERIOD
xero: PERIOD 2-1