LawBreakers has been revealed

The first trailers for the upcoming arena shooter previously code named "Project Bluestreak" from Boss Key Productions have finally arrived. The game is set on a post post apocalyptic earth (meaning civilization has already recovered again) after scientists destroyed the moon which in turn lead to gravity anomalies on earth. According to Boss Key, manipulations of these gravity anomalies have lead to near super human abilities and leads to a lot of vertical game play in the game.
The game play trailer presents 4 different player classes which are shown to have distinct weapons and movement abilities including a swinging hook and a jet pack. The map in the trailer doesn't appear to have any pickup items but it is still unknown if this may just be because of the shown game mode.
LawBreakers is set to be released in 2016 and like Dirty Bomb will be free to play and published by Nexon.
Class "Assassin": Kitsune
- 2 Blades for melee attacks.
- A swinging hook which can also be used to hook other players into your blades.
- An shotgun like weapon shooting energy based projectiles.
Class "Gunner": Breacher
- Can apparently shoot behind himself without having to turn around.
- Main weapons seem to be a machine gun and a pistol.
- Can be seen throwing grenades.
Class "Skirmisher": Maverick
- Jet-pack.
- Main weapon seems to be a mini-gun of sorts.
- Can be seen throwing grenades.
- Some gravity push ability (opponent just flies away)
- An ability where your view changes in a way to highlight enemy models and once you attack you crash into the ground (my subjective interpretation of what is shown).
Class "Titan": Cronos
- A fast melee jump attack that smashes the ground.
- Rocket Launcher.
- Rocket jumping.
- Possibly a lightning gun but can only be seen for a second before...
- ... he uses an ability that creates an energy explosion around himself.
Everyone who got to play the game at PAX got a highlight clip from his game. This video shows all of them merged together.
Links: Official Website
Overwatch feels veerrrrry much like a moba. I'm hoping this title stays away from that path...