Site feature requests
Post here if you think the site is missing something essential (and why). Any suggestions are welcome (although i might try to argue myself out of potential work :D).
| 291 | ||
baSe |
| 259 | ||
agent |
| 166 | ||
102 |
| 110 | ||
ChurchOfQuake |
| 58 | ||
Serious |
| 29 | ||
Xron |
| 49 |
QLSTATS Bug reports |
QLSTATS Activate account |
QLSTATS How it works? |
QLSTATS Install QLstats on Server |
QLSTATS Change CA Elo Calculation |
QLSTATS Account deactivated |
baSe |
? |
Serieux bee's knees! |
el33t k1ll4z |
in Denial |
Oldschool |
Team Russia |
? |
? |
St0n3 |
rapha |
St0n3 |
baSe |
bukster |
rapha |
Keltz |
St0n3 |
rapha |
Rohm |
St0n3 |
Artemka |
baSe |
Keltz |
bukster |
St0n3 |
bukster |
gonna start working on an ignore function then i guess
Currently the ignore function applies to comments, the forum activity in the menu, the recruitment activity in the menu and the forum lists. I didn't apply it to any news/articles/guides/polls/galleries/movies since i thought it would be better for those to still be visible. If you think otherwise please do tell. ;)
Also the ignore removes the entries, so no "ignored user thread" hide stuff. Same for the post comments, any replies to ignored comments are also hidden. The comments header which shows the amount of comments now also shows an info icon that, on hover, tells you how many comments are hidden due to your ignorelist.
Also agree with the contributions not being ignored, those rarely involve the reason of a person being ignored anyway.
If you want to filter for more than 1 game you should create an account and change your account filter settings. Quick Filters also overrule the account filter settings when active.
Maybe it would be best to remove it for now :)
also, the reply arrow looks too much like "jump to parent comment" arrow.
the dark theme should be default, in my opinion. great site! :)
a way to ignore users that does not break comment structure would be awesome and i kind of like the hltv/esr way of letting people see recent comments and forum threads on the main (landing) page.
atleast for me that's my main way of interacting with these sites, news are only half the fun and information on them.
damnit, i need to take a moment before posting, another suggestion: remove google-analytics (half the world will block that anyway) and move to something like piwik for web analytics.
Recent comments/forum threads can be found on any page of the site in the top menu. But since a lot of people complained about not wanting to hover menus i'm gonna add an optional sidebox to the frontpage with the same information.
Personally i prefer the light theme a lot more and it was also the one i mostly worked on, i put a lot less work into the dark one so i'm not 100% happy with how it looks or that its even complete. :/
I didn't know about the hover menus, but it's not what I like anyway - I want a quick overview of all the recent activity I care about, not hovering around checking out menus :p
I can make it possible to attach configs to player profiles but only admins can maintain those. Speaking of which, i'm looking for people willing to help maintain that stuff. :D
I'd help out with maintaining stuff, but: none of the games listed here has a linux client right now, which in turn means I'm not an active player - and I always, always hated admins that didn't play. that rarely worked out well in the end :p
Thanks for piwik, i'll check it out but its rather low on my todo list currently.
But that will require a lot of work from people maintaining match posts since i can't really automate adding those as opposed to what is doing.
If we add stuff manually I guess people will just upload league matches.
Also apparently centralized quakelive stats are going away, so in the future there won't be any way to get match results automatically, not for qlranks or for
nice website.
But anyway, if the idea is being played with then I'm satisfied :)
e.g. here, the images are too small
Edit: you can click on the big image now to enter fullscreen mode.
I have even had it set up so when users provided their QL account there would be a QL icon next to their name in the comments which would give you the ELO info on hover.
not really essential but nice to have.