gLeagues Season 2(V2)!

Welcome to gLeagues Season 2! This time, we're going with 2V2!
We noticed the waiting list for The Promode League, and figured hey, if there is a demand, we're here to fill it. We finished implementing team functionality on the website, so we're ready to give this a go.
It will be conducted in the same manner as the duel ladder, but instead of challenging a player, you're going to challenge a team. It will run the course of this month, with a final tournament held at our partner’s complementary website -- EverythingFPS, which has its own built in bracket system. eFPS was nice enough to put up half the prize money for this tournament, so definitely give them a look. We have been very pleased to find everythingPFS to be a natural partner for our gaming-league ambitions, with their bracket-based tournaments serving as a fine compliment to our own seasonal ladders.
So, down to the particulars. There will be no limit to the amount of teams that can join, and we're happy to accept teams from both North America & Europe. It will follow the same format as the duel ladder; the top eight (8) teams will take part in a Semi-Final followed by a Grand Final to determine the our champion.
The starting prize for the tournament is 100.00 USD but given the possibility for further donations this could easily increase in the near future.
The map pool is as follows: cpm25, cpm29, Left Behind, ninemil-dm2-b4, nodm19 (tentative), and The Hot Place.
We hope to see you all at the website, and most of all, good luck & have fun!
Links: Our Website, Direct link to the ladder, Donations, everythingFPS