HoQ TDM Spring Season Groups
The signups of
Quake Live TDM 4v4 Spring Season have been closed. Here are the draft groups. Division 1 will play Wednesdays 21:00 CET and Division 2 will play Thursdays 21:00 CET. The Spring Season will start Wednesday 22nd of April.
Update: The Schedule is online.
Links: Rules, Signup,

- Averagers / avg.
- Deliberate Murder / 102.
- EliteFour / (E4)
- Infernal Gamerz / [iG]
- planB / planB
- Rekt / rekt*
- Unknown / ukn-
- B52 / B52
- brainWashed / .wd
- last pick / <1p>
- p1mps / p1mps
- Pacmen / (....
- Phenomenon / Phn.
- Scythe / scyth
- Virtual owners / vO
- Dreadful place
- Grim Dungeons
- Hidden Fortress
- Limbus
- Purgatory
- Ragnarok
- Tornado
- Averagers - avg: dem0n, fazz, noctis, Spart1e
- Deliberate Murder - 102: 421, cooller, deisma, Latrommi, lexaaa, pavel, starosta
- EliteFour - (E4): bab, Luminus, nnewone, noobakillah, ZLC
- Infernal Gamerz - [iG]: Clawz, Cypher, Silencep, Strenx
- planB - planB: Alteza, antonio, cerb0z, dezz, elder, h8m3, pecka, YegorB
- REKT - Rekt: afgh4n, ash, gienon, khan, kodisha, rehepapp
- Unknown - ukn: winz, l1nkin, gerppa, hazrd, Phoenix, tox, tg, zyrinx
- B52 - b52: Apollo440, Hiri, lethiferous, Prestij, Troolz
- brainWased - .wd: icedcooly, MasterMind, meitze, monoeed, quad, Sady, wood27
- last pick - <1p>: Ant3stor, Drayan, fresarn, k1r4, nyshak, stickan
- p1mps - p1mps: DM, drejk, drki, luke, prozac
- Pacmen - (....: dance, empish, krizor, pseu, ptolemy, raidan, smurfy, un4x, zenith
- Phenomenon - Phn: crims, Junks, Laskiy, ZuluA
- Scythe - Scyth: Insaccato, leaf, m1sia, uraz, Vikatje
- Virtual owners - vO: CraSh, Dloobiq, dZouKi, Dom3r, Enz1q, Ewil, Karby, lalis, needy, Nexis, zippo
Update: The Schedule is online.

Links: Rules, Signup,