Autumn Duel Cup best frag competition

At the end of the Autumn Duel Cup players were asked to submit their best frags, and that those frags would be complied into a playlist which the community would vote on. Now that Fjoggs has been able to render and compile all the entries (a big thank you for once again funding this!), the community is able to vote. The deadline for voting is October 8, 2017. The winning frag will be awarded 15.00 EUR, with the person on the receiving end of the frag receiving 5.00 EUR.
Vote: Please vote using Strawpoll.
The following players submitted their entries:
- Wolf-Snipe vs. Notrallon on evolution - Duel into spawn frags.
- Wolf-Snipe vs. n1ch on evolution - Direct rocket.
- Wolf-Snipe vs. n1ch on evolution - Duel into direct rocket.
- rokky vs. HAL_9000 on cpm3a - Spawn frags.
- rokky vs. gaiia on cpm3a - Direct rockets.
- rokky vs. gaiia on cpm3a - Tight rocket.
- rokky vs. farnish on cpm3a - Rails + spawn frags.
- Nutter vs. HAL_9000 on eizdm4 - Rockets.
- Notrallon vs. farnish on cpm3a - Direct Nade.
- Kyto vs. gaiia on Hektik - Spawn frags
- Kyto vs. gaiia on Hektik - Nades into crater.
- iBruks vs. gaiia on cpm3a - Telefrag.
- gaiia vs. HAL_9000 on cpm3a - Flick rails.
- gaiia vs. HAL_9000 on cpm3a - Midar + spawn frags.
