I am very happy to announce that Liverpool’s Horizon E-Sport Club will once again play host to the UK's hottest Arena FPS event, TimConLAN 5 from the 5th to the 8th of April. The four day event will feature two Duel tournaments and the very first TimCon Team Draft Cup© featuring five different flavours of the Arena FPS genre.
TimConLAN is a community driven Arena FPS LAN party located in Liverpool, England. What started as a small get together between five friends has grown into a four day gaming event attracting players from across the UK and neighbouring European countries.
Here’s a brief taste ofTimCon 3, courtesy of Demsix. As well as his day three
TimCon 3 Summary
TimCon 4 Summary
All times are GMT
Thursday 1800 - 0000
Set-up & casual games
Friday 1200 - 0000
1v1 Tournament - 1400 start
Saturday 1200 - 0000
1v1 Tournament - 1400 start
Quake Live
Sunday 1200 - 0000
TimCon Team Draft Cup - 1400 start
Reflex Arena, Quake Live, Warsow, DOOMBRINGER & Quake World.

Links: TimConLAN Site,