Bethesda announced a new update for Quake Champions. The servers went down for maintenance at 11:00 UTC, 26 Apr 2018 for deploying a new patch, which will include the new duo Champion: Strogg & Peeker, a new map Awoken, a new Super Nailgun vanity weapon: the Disruptor, and many quality of life improvements.
New Champion: Strogg & Peeker
Ability Drone Strike: Strogg enters a camouflaged state and deploys his drone. He assumes control of the drone, which can fly around and shoot at players using its Hyperblaster. Using the ability again causes the drone to accelerate forward and detonate upon collision.
Passive Stroyent Cell: Gather Stroyent capsules from your corpses of his enemies that heal his wounds.
Strogg & Peeker Lore Trailer
New Map: Awoken
In the vine-choked valleys beyond Zar’s templed terraces, a monument to the Queen of Ciphers looms over what remains of the Temple of Forgetting.
Available in all modes with the exception of Sacrifice!
New Vanity Weapon: Disruptor
The QUAKE 3 Plasma Gun returns, upgrading your standard issue Super Nailgun with plasma nails that rapidly consume its energy… and your enemies.
Daily Login Rewards
Updated Welcome Screen
Updated Battle Report
Spawn Protection
Optimized Weapon FX
Leaderboard Improvements
Weapon Stay Ammo Updates
Rune Book UI Tutorial
New Champion Balance
Increased the base movement speed for all Light and Medium Champions
Preserved the uncapped max speeds for most Champions but applied speed caps for Champions with special movement mechanics – sacrificing their max speed in favor of maneuverability
Increased the air acceleration for all Champions (except Visor), for improved dodging and strafe jumping
Anarki / Sorlag air control is more fluid, but gain less speed on initial jumps
Slash crouchslide is now more fluid
Ranger Dire Orb splash radius reduced
Health and Armor Decay rates unified for all Champions
Active Ability Cooldowns adjusted
Base Speed 300 to 310
Max Speed 2000 to 680
Friction 3.5 to 9
Air Acceleration 0.6 to 0.7991675
Air Control
Move Speed 25 to 35
Circle Strafe Friction 3.5 to 15
Duration 10 to 5
HP/AP Decay Rate 0.66 to 1.0 sec
B.J. Blazkowicz
Base Speed 300 to 310
Air Acceleration 0.8 to 0.8790843
Cooldown 45 to 40 sec
Regeneration Activation Delay reduced from 3 to 2 sec
Starting Armor 150 to 125
Max Speed 2000 to 800
Air Acceleration 0.6 to 0.8533334
HP/AP Decay Rate 2 to 1 sec
Cooldown 40 to 45
Hide Time 0.5 to 1.0 sec
Disallow Ground Dodge, now Air-Dodge only
Speed Cap 691 to 450
Power 8 to 9.02 (310 to 350 ups)
Forward Acceleration
Gear Shift Steps 380/440/500 to 350/400/450
Acceleration 70/60/50 to 50/40/30
Stable Time Before Shifts 1.0 to 1.25
Doom Slayer
Base Speed 300 to 310
Air Acceleration 0.8 to 0.8790843
Base Speed 300 to 310
Air Acceleration 0.75 to 0.8790843
Cooldown 25 to 30
Air Acceleration 0.6 to 0.9102222
HP/AP Decay Rate 2 to 1 sec
Base Speed 300 to 310
Air Acceleration 0.8 to 0.9057232
Cooldown 40 to 45
HP/AP Decay Rate 0.66 to 1.0 sec
Added Easy Strafe
Help Acceleration 0.1
Max Help Speed 400 ups
Base Speed 300 to 310
Air Acceleration 0.8 to 0.8790843
Dire Orb
Coldown 20 to 25 sec
Splash Radius 3.5 to 3.0
Telefrag Radius 1.0 to 0.6
Air Acceleration 0.6 to 0.9102222
HP/AP Decay Rate 2 to 1 sec
Added Easy Strafe
Help Acceleration 0.1
Max Help Speed 400 ups
Base Speed 300 to 310
Max Speed 2000 to 680
Air Acceleration 0.6 to 0.7991675
HP/AP Decay Rate 0.66 to 1.0 sec
Max Time 8 to 6
Friction 1.5 to 1.3
Max Speed 2000 to 680
Friction 6 to 9
Air Acceleration 0.6 to 0.8533334
Acid Spit
Acid Pool Lifetime 6 to 9 sec
Air Control
Move Speed 25 to 35
Circle Strafe Friction 6 to 15
Bunny Hop
Max Help Speed 500 to 400
HP/AP Decay Rate 2 to 1 sec
Base Speed 300 to 320
Max Speed 2400 to 2000
Air Acceleration 1.0 (unchanged)
Cooldown 40 to 45 sec
Rocket Launcher
Splash Radius 128 to 120u
Projectile Speed 1200 to 1100 ups
Minimum Splash Damage increased from 1 to 15
Pentagram of Protection
Damage Absorption 60% to 66%
Various Crashes Fixed
Fixed an issue where the crash reporter wasn't working
Fixed issue where direct hits on a moving target with projectiles may not deal damage
Fixed an issue where after long Join In Progress teammates markers were red
Fixed an issue where client could not launch on low preset
Fixed an issue where client could get stuck at Ready state if server crashed
Fixed an issue on the Battle report screen when medals appeared
Fixed an issue in Instagib, where armor shards were dropped from killed player
Fixed an issue in Instagib where environmental hazards were not damaging the player properly
Fixed an issue where vanity items were not fully visible when unlocked in Backpacks / Chests / Reliquaries
Fixed an issue where Map geometry did not load properly in Sacrifice areas
Fixed some issues where Multiple Players could spawn in the same spot on certain maps
Fixed various issues where Opponents could spawn near each other
Fixed an issue where Brazilian Portuguese localization was not showing up properly
Fixed an issue where Quad SVX had a very intense glow
Fixed an issue where Railgun did not penetrate through players
Fixed an issue where User was unable to change their Target Display
Fixed an issue with a disabled "Start Game" button when inviting another user to Custom Game
Fixed an issue where Vale of Pnath: Players can respawn within line of sight of other players near the Mega Armor
Fixed an issue where Vanity railguns will leave red decals around maps in various locations
Fixed an issue where Voice chat: Voice Chat Controls key bind is not reset when using the Default option
Fixed issues with champions jitter while moving
Fixed render issue with sparks on Ruins of Sarnath
Fixed server spike on players respawn
Fixed an issue where Ranked v: Spectator in game scoreboard does not match post-game scoreboard
Fixed issue where spectators see their own Level Progression Bar and Daily Challenges when viewing the Scoreboard
Fixed issue where Spectator Arrow indicators persist on players after x-ray is turned off
April Balance changes
Fixed circle strafe friction parameter
Fixed incorrect auto-hop behavior
Fixed issue where BJ's passive did not work as expected
Fixed issue where Clutch could abuse his dashing ability by using macro
Fixed issue where DOOM SLAYER jittered when jumping
Fixed issue where DOOM SLAYER's speed was capped if he activated his ability before picking up Quad Damage
Fixed issue where Keel’s Grenades were able to go through Clutch’s Shield
Fixed issue for Missing Grenade Swarm SFX in first and third person
Fixed issues with strafe jump not working as expected
Fixed issue where Ranger might teleport to map origin when attempting to use Active Ability
Fixed issue where Sorlag's Acid Spit lasted a shorter duration than intended
Fixed an issue where Anarki's Bone Daddy flame effects were always on and not treated as separate attachments
Fixed an issue where BJ's Duel Wield ability ended when weapon swap occurs, manual or out of ammo
Fixed an issue where BJ levitated above the pregame column
Fixed an issue where champions could become invisible in 3rd person
Fixed an issue where DOOM SLAYER had his weapons in hands when in active ability
Fixed an issue where DOOM SLAYER’s equipped weapon may change after using his ability
Fixed an issue where DOOM SLAYER’s Berserk ability might not work properly when enemies are close together
Fixed an issue where killing with Galena's totem In the Instagib mode, was not counted as a frag
Fixed an issue in Instagib where Keel was not able to perform Grenade Jump
Fixed an issue where Large sized champions are not always able to damage the small sized champions with the gauntlet
Fixed an issue where player did not see a hit-mark when standing in the Acid Pool
Fixed an issue where Scalebearer ability did not go into cooldown when he died during its usage
Fixed an issue where Scalebearer ability did not start cool down process if champion died while using it
Fixed an issue where Scalebearer active ability SFX persisted
Fixed an issue where Scalebearer and Ranger lack 3rd person animation
Fixed an issue where The Goroth Ansht rune did not increment after earning 'Denied' medals against Slash
Fixed an issue where Winning a match of Duel, Deathmatch, Sacrifice or Team Deathmatch increased multiple other runes incorrectly
Fixed low res textures on DOOM SLAYER’s helmet
Fixed an issue where Blue light appeared when a player entered a blood pool for the first time
Fixed an issue where Credits did not work
Fixed various text issues
Removed an empty drop-down menu
Fixed an issue for Sacrifice where Lighting may become very bright in the Pillar Room on Blood Covenant
Fixed an issue where player could get stuck on a ladder on Lockbox
Fixed an issue where environmental hazards did not damage users when in an Instagib match
Fixed grey SFX on Acid bubble burst
Fixed an issue for Burial Chamber where Players could easily spawnkill from directly above spawn-point near HMG Jump pad
Fixed various map collision issues
Fixed various issues related to the dire orb allowing access to out-of-bounds areas
Fixed various liquid texture issues
Fixed an issue where it took too long for the muzzle flash to disappear after a shot
Fixed issue where Smoke trails from projectiles may originate from the map origin
Fixed an issue where there were no scorch marks on surfaces
Fixed an issue where The Constructor Nailgun would stop animating for a second when Quad Damage is picked up or expires
Fixed an issue where Tri-bolt Projectiles appeared inconsistently in third person
Fixed issue for Tri-bolt projectiles sometimes persisting in the world
Fixed issue where contact list wasn’t sorting properly
Fixed an issue where there were no Battle Reports after placement match
Fixed an issue where Weapon and Armor Shaders did not display rarity on the popup
Hit-marker art updated
Fixed an issue where there were no Champions on Death Screen in ranked Duel
Fixed an issue where doors in tutorial did not have proper indicators
Fixed an issue where the red cross tint for a dead Champion was not very visible
Fixed an issue where Sacrifice Tourney players in the spectator list become, “WWWWWWWWW” once the pre-match sequence starts
Fixed issue when Rune Challenges did not appear on scoreboard
Fixed an issue where Weapon Shader thumbnails appeared blue before they were fully loaded
Fixed an issue where arrow indicators persist on players after x-ray is turned off in spectator mode
Fixed an issue where the post-match podium did not appear in TDM
Fixed an issue where Users didn’t receive a notification of low funds when attempting to rent a Champion in the store
Fixed an issue where Rounds won did not show in Sacrifice
Fixed an issue where Some Champion's Health and Armor stats are incorrectly listed in many of the game's menus
Fixed an issue where Map geometry does not load properly in Sacrifice areas
Fixed an issue where Players could still spend their currency on Loot Boxes even if they owned the maximum amount
Fixed an issue where Arrow indicators persist on players after x-ray is turned off
Fixed an issue where there was no scoreboard on Post Match Ranked TDM in Custom games
Ping color coding added to indicate playable datacenters
Fixed an issue where Main Menu animation could continue to play in Customization screen
Fixed an issue where Daily Rewards screen could be closed by pressing Esc without getting any rewards
Fixed an issue where player received multiple identical challenges
Fixed an issue where Switching to another weapon while shooting from Railgun may result in a blank shot from Railgun
Fixed an issue where Super shotgun did not animate when reloading in first person