CPMA 1.51 Released

As always, if you would like to play CPMA, please get the documents from

Change Log
- /forfeit to concede defeat in 1v1 or HM.
- ch_hiddenElements <string> (default: "") is a space-separated list of SuperHUD elements to hide. this includes custom elements (PreDecorate and PostDecorate) and they can be specified individually, example: PreDecorate3 is the third PreDecorate element of the currently loaded HUD config. hud_hide will add to this list and hud_show will remove from this list example: ch_hiddenElements "Score_NME Score_OWN" hides scores irrespective of the loaded HUD config.
- the LocalTime SuperHUD element displays the local time in the "hh:mm" format.
- the Chat1-8 SuperHUD elements behave the same as in 1.48 (no con_notifytime/cl_noprint filtering).
- the PowerUpXX_Icon SuperHUD elements will now display holdable items too and the number of PowerUp* SuperHUD element slots was raised from 4 to 8.
- the "kill" command is now disabled in the following scenarios:
- CA DA FTAG -> disabled during rounds and countdowns.
- CTFS HM -> disabled during rounds.
- StatusBar_ArmorIcon isn't visible with 0 armor (like StatusBar_ArmorCount and StatusBar_ArmorBar).
- in OT pauses, the clock will no longer show the total time elapsed since the first OT started.
- the UI's mouse sensitivity slider now works with CNQ3.
- leaving a HM match in progress during the countdown of round 2+ wouldn't forfeit.
- the following "items" arguments would fail in a mode script: "-5H", "-25", "-50", "-5A".
- parts of the vote system were stuck on version 1.47. In addition to the 1.48 changes, non-speconly'd spectators can now vote on:
- referee and unreferee items in all game modes (1.48: all modes except 1v1 and HM).
- any item in Duel Arena.
- in the server browser, the server selection now survives rescans and sort key changes.
- /mvd and /autorecord were creating the same demo name over and over (date/time of last match start).
- cg_autoAction demo recording not happening after /autorecord or /mvd was used.
- combined map + mode changes would make clients lose their session data (ref, speconly, etc).
- the forfeiting player can now talk to his opponent during intermission with mutespecs enabled.
- the SuperHUD element AmmoMessage now works in multi-view mode.
- the scoreboard flash that happened right before respawning after a DA round loss.
- "Invalid vote in PassVote: windelay" warning in DA and HM.
- the following commands would crash when run at the server's console (or through rcon): name<red|blue>, coach<red|blue>, remove.
- the duration of the countdown of the first round in CA is now "warmup" seconds.
- set the win delays of CA, DA and HM back to what they were in 1.48.
- no longer starting demo recording in DA through cg_autoAction.
- no longer displaying "all players ready" in FFA and DA.
- players spawning at the end of round countdowns instead of the start in CA and DA.
- the wrong custom game mode could sometimes be loaded when one's name was the prefix of another e.g. "PUBCTFS" instead of "PUBCTF".
- fullbright player models now work with NTF.
- callvotes for unregistered maps now get immediately rejected.
- ch_drawKeys 2 wasn't displaying in zoomed (multi-)view.
- HM round countdown missing.
- the clock was frozen at 0:00 in sudden death overtimes.