German Quake Community Cup: 2on2
German Quake Community is hosting a 2on2 Cup on Sunday August 19, 2018 at 13:00 UTC for all german-talking players. With their 5th cup, German Quake Community is moving from
Challonge to ESL. This cup is open for all players, no skill-rating is recommended.
Sign-Up is open at ESL.

Sign-Up is open at ESL.
- Awoken
- Blood Covenant
- Blood Run
- Church of Azathoth
- Corrupted Keep
- Lockbox
- Ruins of Sarnath
- Tempest Shrine
- The Molten Falls
- Vale of Pnath
- WB: BO1, WB-QF: B03, WB-Final BO5
- LB: BO1, LB-Final BO3