4sg Interviews for Dreamhack Winter
This weekend we have 4 Australian players heading across for Dreamhack Winter 2018 this weekend. As such I decided to get a few of the boys interviews as well as a couple of international players. Two teams Corvidae and and Cooked eSports will be sending Daniel 'dandaking' De Sousa, Tyler 'Steej' Joseph, David 'ZenAku' Addati, Marcus 'Dirtbox' Cooke and (a bonus) Cameron 'CMRN. We also sat down with both American phenom Moses 'psygib' Salas and the 2017 Quakecon Sacrifice winner Kyle 'Silencep' Mooren.
Dandaking, Steej, ZenAku, Dirtbox, Psygib, Silencep