Comp doom? Unlikely.
I don't imagine bethesda pushing for a ranked mode in the development of doom 4 for several reasons
-the quakelive senior devs at id were cucked in 2012 when bethesda gave them capital to restart the doom project
-bethesda got cucked when it tried to publish tf2 2.0 instead of fo4
-doom 1-2 Wad players are the backbone of critism on the game who's voice will stand out, so they need to be appealed to
-wolfenstein was moderately successful and bethesda wants to take the safer route on something they aren't super sure about
We will get full pvp support without a doubt, and we'll probably see some tournies off it, but i'd be really surprised if it shipped with a tournament ruleset built in, commonly patched, and with ranked ladders.
-the quakelive senior devs at id were cucked in 2012 when bethesda gave them capital to restart the doom project
-bethesda got cucked when it tried to publish tf2 2.0 instead of fo4
-doom 1-2 Wad players are the backbone of critism on the game who's voice will stand out, so they need to be appealed to
-wolfenstein was moderately successful and bethesda wants to take the safer route on something they aren't super sure about
We will get full pvp support without a doubt, and we'll probably see some tournies off it, but i'd be really surprised if it shipped with a tournament ruleset built in, commonly patched, and with ranked ladders.
If not then its a lot of wasted potential as the name doom already holds some pretty great momentum, inside and outside of the arena fps community.