Road To TimCon Diabotical Duel #1
We're happy to announce the first Road to TimCon EU Diabotical Duel tournament, taking place this Sunday, the 8th March at 13:00 UTC. Participants may sign-up on
Challonge, check-in opens one hour before.
We'll be collecting donations to fund nvc as dedicated streamer for TimConLAN via PayPal. We thank you for your support.
We’re also very excited to announce that we have received a Five Thousand Euro prize pool for the upcoming TimConLAN 9 Diabotical Duel tournament, courtesy of The GD Studio. Visit the TimConLAN site to sign up, book your ticket and take a piece of the pie for yourself.
Happy fragging this weekend!
Links: Sign-up, Bracket, Discord, Twitter, TimCon site.

We'll be collecting donations to fund nvc as dedicated streamer for TimConLAN via PayPal. We thank you for your support.
We’re also very excited to announce that we have received a Five Thousand Euro prize pool for the upcoming TimConLAN 9 Diabotical Duel tournament, courtesy of The GD Studio. Visit the TimConLAN site to sign up, book your ticket and take a piece of the pie for yourself.
Happy fragging this weekend!
1. Be reasonable.
2. All players must join the TimConLAN Discord.
3. This tournament is for EU players only.
4. Games will be played on either Rotterdam or Warsaw servers.
5. Players must check-in on Challonge or could face being removed from the tournament.
6. The player with the higher seed number will pick their map first (your seed number can be seen next to your name in the bracket).
7. DO NOT start organizing your first matches until you have been instructed to do so by an admin in the TimConLAN Discord. Brackets are subject to change until finalized by the admins.
- 12 minutes
- Always three furthest spawns
- Unlimited score
- Double Elimination
- Best of three Upper Bracket
- Best of one Lower Bracket
- LB Finals Bo3
Players will pick one map each with the remaining map played as a tie-breaker if needed.
- Bioplant
- Frontier
- Outpost Dunia

Links: Sign-up, Bracket, Discord, Twitter, TimCon site.