TimCon Monthly - Diabotical Duel Cup #1
Welcome back to TimCon's series of online events! COVID-19 is still restricting us from gaming on the LAN so we're back with some Diabotical events to tide us over until the world stops shtting it's self.
First up in the series is our first Duel cup since beta! Taking place on September 6, 2020 at 11:00 UTC, this is an open cup meaning anyone can join but all games will be played on European servers. Players may sign up on
Admins: CrazyAl#0846, Noodle#7307
First up in the series is our first Duel cup since beta! Taking place on September 6, 2020 at 11:00 UTC, this is an open cup meaning anyone can join but all games will be played on European servers. Players may sign up on

- Don't be a dick.
- All players must join the
TimConLAN Discord.
- Games will be played on either Rotterdam, Frankfurt or Warsaw servers.
- Players must check-in on
Challonge or could face being removed from the tournament.
- DO NOT start organizing your first matches until you have been instructed to do so by an admin in the TimConLAN Discord. Brackets are subject to change until finalized by the admins.
- Any cheating, excessive rudeness, deliberate delaying or disruption of the event could result in immediate disqualification.
- 12 minute match length.
- All 'More settings' must be set to default.
- Double Elimination
- Best-of-three Upper Bracket
- Best-of-one Lower Bracket
- Best-of-three Lower Bracket Finals
- Best-of-five Grand Final
- The player with the highest seed will pick the first map.
- Best-of-one: both players drop until one ramp remains
- Best-of-three: pick, pick, drop, drop
- Best-of-five: alternating picks
- Map list: Bioplant, Frontier, Kasbah, Perilous, Skybreak
Current prize: 0.00 GBP
- Donations can be sent to:
- 100% of donations will be used towards the prize pool.

Admins: CrazyAl#0846, Noodle#7307