The Keep is hosting their third Annual Pigeon Classic FPS Charity Event, starting this weekend, and going through the entire month of November. This is our opportunity to support and bolster the forces of the brave individuals fighting on the front lines against COVID-19 global health epidemic.
Through the course of all six events there will be a fundraising initiative for the Florence Nightingale Foundation, who support the professional development of nurses & midwives.
October 30, 2020 - Open DOOM Survival Marathon
October 31, 2020 - The DOOM Rave 24-Hour Stream
November 7, 2020 - Warfork Bomb Exhibition
November 13, 2020 - ZenSports Diabotical 3v3 Wipeout Tournament
November 21, 2020 - ZenSports Warfork Duel Tournament
The first three events will be streamed on the InTheKeep, and the last three events will be streamed on the ZenSports. Other streamers will be promoting the event and hosting gatherings, too!
If you would like to compete, donate, or learn more about the event, visit the official website!