TimCon Presents: Dreamhack Community Clash
TimCon is proud to announce a partnership with Dreamhack as part of the Community Clash program. We'll be hosting two tournaments with $2000 total prize pool. First, on the 14th of March, EU's finest will duel for their share of $750. On the 21st of March is the 2v2 TDM tournament, with $1250 on the line. So grab a friend, get fragging and we look forward to seeing you then!
Admin: CrazyAl
Links: Discord, Challonge, TimConLAN, Dreamhack.
- All players/teams must join the
TimConLAN Discord.
- Games will be played on either Frankfurt, Rotterdam, London, Madrid, Moscow, Warsaw or Yekaterinburg servers.
- Players/teams must check-in on
Challonge or could face being removed from the tournament.
- DO NOT start organizing your first matches until you have been instructed to do so by an admin in the TimConLAN Discord. Brackets are subject to change until finalized by the admins.
- Any cheating, excessive rudeness, deliberate delaying or disruption of the event could result in immediate disqualification.
- Duration: 12 minutes
- Score Limt: Unlimited
- All 'More settings' must be set to default
- Mode: TDM
- Team Size: 2
- Duration: 12 minutes
- Score Limit: Unlimited
- All 'More settings' must be set to default
Double Elimination
- Best of three Upper Bracket
- Best of one Lower Bracket
- LB Final Bo3
- UB Final Bo5
- 2v2 Grand Final Bo5
- Duel Grand Final Bo7
- The player/team with the highest seed will pick/drop the first map.
- Best of one: both player/teams drop until one map remains
- Best of three: drop, drop, pick, pick, drop, drop
- Best of five: drop, drop, pick, pick, pick, pick (alternating picks in 2v2)
- Best of seven: alternating picks
- Duel Map list: Amberfall, Bioplant, Kasbah, Monolith, Overgrowth, Raya, Skybreak
- 2v2 Map list: Icefall, Perilous, Hurt Locker, Myshell, Wreckage

Admin: CrazyAl
Links: Discord, Challonge, TimConLAN, Dreamhack.