HoQ TDM Spring 2016 - Round 2
This Sunday, 3rd of April, will see the second round of the
HoQ TDM Spring Season 2016!
The crash prize distribution has been settled. Division 1 will receive 90% of it (50% for 1st rank, 25% for 2nd rank and 15% for 3rd rank) and Division 2's first rank will get the 10% left. You can see the details about the donators and the distribution in the google doc.
Here is the Round 2 schedule.
During the first Div1 round, the big dicks couldn't deal with it and pussied out with a forfeit loss. Team Hungary failed to show up because feeder decided Quake isn't fun anymore and dash wouldn't play without the best possible line-up. In the only match played, REKT got rid of Pacmen in 2 maps (Flair might upload that VOD to YouTube!).
Div2 went more smoothly. (B52) made a strong impression and double-mercy'd the Burrito. The Hateful Eight probably had a bad warm-up and needed a thrilling third map to win over excel. Also, WORLDSTAR used the wildcard against onfire. Finally, all the games from Div3 were played, and there are VODs available for all of them. So go and check them out!
Streams: 102, funnyb, Flair TV
Links: Schedule, Rules -
[url=irc://irc.quakenet.org/HoQLeagues]#HoQLeagues[/url] - Donate for the league

The crash prize distribution has been settled. Division 1 will receive 90% of it (50% for 1st rank, 25% for 2nd rank and 15% for 3rd rank) and Division 2's first rank will get the 10% left. You can see the details about the donators and the distribution in the google doc.
Here is the Round 2 schedule.
deal with it vs Deliberate Murder
the big dicks vs Pacmen (spec demos)
Team Hungary vs REKT (VOD)
tbd: Insan3, zsx, debtorr, Luminus, Xron, dem0n
deal: Silencep, clawz, Spart1e, ph0en|X
102: pavel, Latrommi, cas, kenny
d4: un4x, dance, antonio_by, gog, noobakillah, otto
rekt: ashof102, rehepapp, khan, gienon, brescia, h8m3
hun:dash, feeder,gandhi, kroy, s7ry, Wood
last pick vs Hateful Eight
excel vs WORLDSTAR (wildcard by excel)
(B52) vs onfire (spec demos / VODs: 102, klyb)
lp: bab, deith, fresARN, G4rlock, nyshak, stickan
[h8]: dehumanizer, cream, haz_mat, SUCKMYROCKET, ticket_man, XPEHOPE3
excel: Lithz, rax, fragster, Slunge, slm, Headz
|B|: qb, tr1x0, k0marr, Drayan, JunkZ, afgh4n
(B52): lethiferous, HiRi_, Prestij, Troolz, evt, cherepoff
WDSR*: R1EPA, niteinaction, waro, Ant3stor, GaRpY, Sothis
Of: mdf, Kujiwa, Przrg, p1s, a1r_r41d
Dretwe Lamy vs nerds (wildcard by Dretwe Lamy)
18:00 UTC, 29 Mar 2025: infinity vs Zombei (spec demos / VODs: 102, klyb)
RAKS vs Virtual owners (wildcard by Virtual owners)
[DL]: Insane_pl, hzt, mst, prox_pl, abad
n.e.r.d.s.: lici, sollex, zantek, Insaccato, horowitz, ParaNoiiA
8/: Pio, 8Myp3uk, banShee, inz_, lostcost, KindDevil
PL: r1bo, kosq3, Rowny, spooky, SSRI, goblin
?: maf, podbitiy_olen3, 170bpm, Kalter, Gibi, atomicblast
zombi: hattifnattar, deimos_, EricCartmenez, Play_ua, k1lljoy, furti_ve
vO: Ewil, dzouKi, Dloobiq, brajente
The map list of this season consists of Deep Inside, Dreadful place, Grim Dungeons, Hidden Fortress, Limbus, Purgatory and Ragnarok.
4.6 - If an admin is present for the map picking, the procedure should go through him. If not then the clan leaders should go through the following procedure:
* The cointoss winner decides which team picks first. The team that picks second will drop first in the event of a deciding map.
* Each clan picks one map from the pool. The same map cannot be picked twice.
* If a deciding map is needed then each team will drop a map and whichever map remains will be played.
During the first Div1 round, the big dicks couldn't deal with it and pussied out with a forfeit loss. Team Hungary failed to show up because feeder decided Quake isn't fun anymore and dash wouldn't play without the best possible line-up. In the only match played, REKT got rid of Pacmen in 2 maps (Flair might upload that VOD to YouTube!).
Div2 went more smoothly. (B52) made a strong impression and double-mercy'd the Burrito. The Hateful Eight probably had a bad warm-up and needed a thrilling third map to win over excel. Also, WORLDSTAR used the wildcard against onfire. Finally, all the games from Div3 were played, and there are VODs available for all of them. So go and check them out!
Division 1
the big dicks 0:2 deal with it (def loss for the big dicks)
Deliberate Murder 2:0 Team Hungary (noshow from Team Hungary)
Pacmen 0:2 REKT
Division 2
Hateful Eight 2:1 excel
Burrito 0:2 (B52) (spec demos / VOD)
WORLDSTAR vs onfire (wildcard by WORLDSTAR)
Division 3
nerds 2:0 infinity (VOD)
Platige Team 2:0 RAKS (spec demos / VOD)
Zombei 2:0 Virtual owners (spec demos / VOD)
Streams: 102, funnyb, Flair TV
Links: Schedule, Rules -