HoQ TDM Spring 2016 - Round 3
This Sunday, 10th of April, will see the third round of the
HoQ TDM Spring Season 2016!
The crash prize distribution has been settled last week, but we're reviewing it and may alter it in the near future to redirect some money to the lower divisions! You can see the details about the donators and the distribution in the google doc.
Here is the Round 3 schedule.
Round 2 only saw 5 out of 9 matches played: 4 teams handed their wildcard to the admins. And the 5 matches played were 2-mappers!
In Div1, the big dicks managed to get 4 players and defeated d4. Hungary (despite the help of feeder and dash) failed to win a map from REKT. As for Div2, last pick mercy'd the Hateful Eight twice and (B52) seemed comfortable against Onfire. The only match in Div3 put the Zombei ahead of infinity!
Streams: 102, funnyb, klyb
Links: Schedule, Rules -
[url=irc://irc.quakenet.org/HoQLeagues]#HoQLeagues[/url] - Donate for the league

The crash prize distribution has been settled last week, but we're reviewing it and may alter it in the near future to redirect some money to the lower divisions! You can see the details about the donators and the distribution in the google doc.
Here is the Round 3 schedule.
Pacmen vs deal with it (wildcard by Pacmen)
REKT vs Deliberate Murder (to be rescheduled, Latrommi away until 12th)
Team Hungary vs the big dicks (VOD)
tbd: Insan3, Luminus, Xron, zsx, debtorr, dem0n
deal: Silencep, clawz, Spart1e, ph0en|X
102: pavel, Latrommi, cas, kenny
d4: un4x, dance, antonio_by, gog, oTTo, zth
rekt: ashof102, rehepapp, khan, gienon, brescia, h8m3
hun: dash, feeder, kroy, s7ry, Wood, Eteto.
Burrito vs last pick
WORLDSTAR vs Hateful Eight (spec demos, demoVODs)
(B52) vs excel (VOD)
lp: bab, deith, fresARN, G4rlock, nyshak, stickan
[h8]: dehumanizer, cream, haz_mat, XPEHOPE3, SUCKMYROCKET, szefu
excel: Lithz, rax, fragster, Slunge, Headz, Makie
|B|: qb, tr1x0, k0marr, Drayan, JunkZ, afgh4n
(B52): lethiferous, HiRi_, Prestij, Troolz, evt, cherepoff
WDSR*: R1EPA, niteinaction, waro, Ant3stor, GaRpY, Sothis
Of: mdf, Kujiwa, Przrg, p1s, a1r_r41d, prozac
19:00 UTC, 14 Apr 2016: Dretwe Lamy vs Platige Team
Zombei vs nerds (wildcard by Zombei)
RAKS vs infinity (spec demos / VOD)
Round 4
Platige Team vs Virtual owners (VOD)
[DL]: Insane_pl, hzt, mst, prox_pl, abad
n.e.r.d.s.: lici, sollex, zantek, Insaccato, horowitz, ParaNoiiA
8/: Pio, 8Myp3uk, banShee, inz_, lostcost, KindDevil
PL: r1bo, kosq3, Rowny, spooky, SSRI, goblin
♋: maf, podbitiy_olen3, 170bpm, Kalter, Gibi, atomicblast
zombi: hattifnattar, deimos_, EricCartmenez, Play_ua, k1lljoy, furti_ve
vO: Ewil, dzouKi, Dloobiq, brajente
The map list of this season consists of Deep Inside, Dreadful place, Grim Dungeons, Hidden Fortress, Limbus, Purgatory and Ragnarok.
4.6 - If an admin is present for the map picking, the procedure should go through him. If not then the clan leaders should go through the following procedure:
* The cointoss winner decides which team picks first. The team that picks second will drop first in the event of a deciding map.
* Each clan picks one map from the pool. The same map cannot be picked twice.
* If a deciding map is needed then each team will drop a map and whichever map remains will be played.
Round 2 only saw 5 out of 9 matches played: 4 teams handed their wildcard to the admins. And the 5 matches played were 2-mappers!
In Div1, the big dicks managed to get 4 players and defeated d4. Hungary (despite the help of feeder and dash) failed to win a map from REKT. As for Div2, last pick mercy'd the Hateful Eight twice and (B52) seemed comfortable against Onfire. The only match in Div3 put the Zombei ahead of infinity!
Division 1
deal with it vs Deliberate Murder (wildcard by 102)
the big dicks 2:0 Pacmen (spec demos / demoVODs)
Team Hungary 0:2 REKT (VOD)
Division 2
last pick 2:0 Hateful Eight (demoVODs)
excel vs WORLDSTAR (wildcard by excel)
(B52) 2:0 onfire (spec demos / VODs: 102, klyb)
Division 3
Dretwe Lamy vs nerds (wildcard by Dretwe Lamy)
infinity 0:2 Zombei (spec demos / VODs: 102, klyb)
RAKS vs Virtual owners (wildcard by Virtual owners)
Streams: 102, funnyb, klyb
Links: Schedule, Rules -