QL CTF Guide
Page 2: Binds
Here are some basic binds you really should have if you ever decide to play in a pickup game.
You can also include some tokens to your binds, like #h and #a that echo your current health and armor levels to the team. You could also expand the bind list with a bind that says a certain item is up or taken, etc
bind <key> "say_team ^1[^3 ENEMY IN/OUT LOW ^1]"
bind <key> "say_team ^1[^3 ENEMY IN/OUT HIGH ^1]"
bind <key> "say_team ^1[^3 ENEMY IN/OUT WATER ^1]"
bind <key> "say_team ^1[^3 READY TO ATTACK ^1]"
bind <key> "say_team ^1[^3 POWERUP ^1]"
bind <key> "say_team ^1[^3 BASE LOST ^1]"
bind <key> "droppowerup"
bind <key> "dropflag"
maybe you could add the item respawn times for the specific maps?!
on spidercrossings e.g. the red spawns only every 60secs as well as the mega.
if only we could make the CA players get addicted to CTF too.
then i would finally play more than 3 games a day. :D
but i still play a game from time to time .. its horrible.
dont know why i played so much CA.
But now my eyes are open to the joys of quake! \o/
you are so much used to it that you become unaware of which fights you should or should not take.
short: dont play CA :D
im a believer too now :p