The sign-ups for icon_ql Quake Live TDM 2v2 Summer Cup #1 are open from Sunday 3rd July until Friday 15th July 2016.

The Cup will be held Sunday 13:00 UTC, 17 Jul 2016, duration depends on the sign-ups.

Check below for all needed informations and sign-up! If you already have player and clan account on House of Quake, feel free to sign-up right away. Otherwise make sure to register yourselves and your clan first.

There are few things new players should make sure to remember when applying for House of Quake:
1. All players should double check if their SteamID is entered for Quake Live.
2. Clan leaders, after creating clan, must create squad and add players from clan to that particular squad.

Failure to follow any of these instructions will result in your team not being able to join the cup.
If further help is needed contact admin(s) on [url=irc://]#HoQLeagues @ Quakenet[/url]
Gametype: TDM 2v2 Classic
Format: DE WB/Bo3 LB/Bo1 - Final: Bo5
Admin(s): doz3r / Drayan / xou
IRC: [url=irc://]#HoQLeagues[/url]
- Almost Lost
- Bloodrun
- Campgrounds
- Devilish
- Hidden Fortress

We are running a public poll to get the preference of the community. But more importantly, we are also asking team captains for their vote to determine the 7th map (please contact doz3r with your vote).

UPDATE: We will use DE (double elemination) with LB (loser bracket) playing bo1 brackets with Challonge. All players/teams have to register again.

Streams: icon_twitch 102 icon_twitch xkisa icon_youtube Deathmatch TV
Links: Rules, Signup, icon_irc [url=irc://]HoQLeagues[/url], icon_twitter HouseofQuake