DirtyCups.gg Launches Summer Leagues
As we had anticipated in our Dirty Mail -- Jul. 11, 2015 segment, the guys at DirtyCups.gg have announced a new league, with registration open now, until July 19, 2015, and the first week of games set to begin as of July 20, 2015. To celebrate this they have also launched their new website, where you can register your team.
In contrast to the previous tournaments held by DirtyCups.gg, which were single day competitions culiminating to a final, this event will be hosted in a league format, meaning that teams will be playing on a weekly basis against regional opponents. There will be a North American, and a European league, open to all teams, with a regular season that will run for a total of six weeks. Each game will consist of one best-of-three set, and once the regular season is completed, the top four teams of each regions will be placed in a single-elimination tournament, to determine the Season One Champion.

Official Announcement
In contrast to the previous tournaments held by DirtyCups.gg, which were single day competitions culiminating to a final, this event will be hosted in a league format, meaning that teams will be playing on a weekly basis against regional opponents. There will be a North American, and a European league, open to all teams, with a regular season that will run for a total of six weeks. Each game will consist of one best-of-three set, and once the regular season is completed, the top four teams of each regions will be placed in a single-elimination tournament, to determine the Season One Champion.
We decided to switch to a league system so that we could accommodate the ever growing Dirty Bomb competitive community. This means that we can support more teams and more players than ever before. Our previous cups were growing event after event with strong participation from both NA and EU teams, and we simply did not have the resources to include everyone. Our goal with this new league and as a community-run site is to include as many Dirty Bomb players as possible.
This league is very much experimental. We are using a new league platform and are testing out a brand new format. We expect good results and fun games from this but keep in mind that this is should be viewed as not just another tournament, but a testbed that will help us create better experiences moving forward. Thus, your feedback is welcome!-- Source. DirtyCups.gg Co-Founder, Oen.

- Friendly Fire: On.
- Only one of each Merc allowed.
- Sparks is still banned.
- No exploitation of bugs.
- No cheating, or hacking.
- No harassment/abuse policy. Failure to comply can, and will, get you kicked out of future events.
- Screenshots are required to be uploaded to ensure matches were played to completion.
- 50% Team Rule - Over 50% of your team must be from that region to participate. You may only participate in one league, and cannot switch e.g. To play in the EU League you have to have at least 3 European players.
- Maps are picked for you
- You must play on Dirtycups.gg Official Servers
- You may have up to nine players on your roster.
There will $3,000+ USD on the line.
Please register here, and remember that registration is open from July 13, 2015, until July 19, 2015.

not with me though =(((
and yes. 1 merc RUle is a BAD desision. 1 assault rule suites DB much much more.