Overwatch World Cup teams revealed

Earlier this month, Blizzard announced that the first-ever Overwatch World Cup would be hosted at BlizzCon 2016, and they called the community to help them to select the dream team that would represent all countries. After tabulating over 3 million votes and gathering suggestions from each of the Team Captains, they are happy to reveal the final rosters for all the nations and regions participating in this international exhibition!
Team U.S.A.: Seagull (Team Captain) 57% votes received, ster 33%, Talespin 31%, Adam 30%, Gods (Captain's Pick), MESR (Captain's Pick)
Team Canada: Surefour (TC) 44%, whiz 34%, Poke 32%, id 27%, LoganDaBest (CP), HuK (CP)
Team Brazil: BRKsEDU (TC) 60%, ziG 40%, Flawz 31%, Nextage 28%, soulive (CP), Insanityz (CP)
Team Argentina: Crusher22 (TC) 54%, Marvel 52%, Battletoad 22%, Godman 20%, Halcyon (CP), Topoyo (CP)
Team Chile: Holyfuuu (TC) 70%, EddieSick 69%, alfredon 67%, Vardoc 61%, Blanco (CP), yibraN (CP)
Team Colombia: Gods (TC) 74%, Theos 66%, Keldrim 65%, Odin 62%, pierino (CP), PCMASTERDAVE (CP)
Team Costa Rica: Blind777 (TC) 14%, Ant 13%, Restrife 13%, Heal 10%, Monrrow (CP), zeroanima (CP)
Team Mexico: MYMALKAPONE (TC) 54%, LECPKIM 45%, spaydeRRRR 36%, Epsylon 35%, nomy (CP), Sapphire (CP)
Team Peru: dammi (TC) 62%, Bambuchita 57%, Ello 46%, LucyWeird 39%, Thecno (CP), Blue (CP)
Team Sweden: iddqd (TC) 54%, Zave 42%, chipshajen 38%, Zebbosai 31%, cocco (CP), TviQ (CP)
Team Germany: INTERNETHULK (TC) 50%, BUR1X 47%, Asura 34%, kr4tosdigga 29%, art1er (CP), skipjack (CP)
Team France: AlphaCast (TC) 56%, Mickalow 37%, Kitty 35%, DeGuN 33%, KnOxXx (CP), Kryw (CP)
Team Austria: Mercy (TC) 46%, Zazzles 28%, Bommie 24%, Wat7 24%, Thrittly (CP), Acepalm (CP)
Team Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltic Area: vallutaja (TC) 36%, InvictuS 30%, clozz 23%, Forsak3n 22%, Anak (CP), evokje (CP)
/ Team Benelux: Harambe (TC) 34%, EZZE 29%, Kalevi 25%, TwoEasy 21%, Dante (CP), SPREE (CP)
Team Bulgaria: mystOgan (TC) 27%, Zudung 24%, Cava 23%, FlayS 22%, Aloex (CP), AshkaliN (CP)
Team Croatia: m4niac (TC) 32%, kape 28%, brky 27%, MajstorMika 27%, SkrakZ (CP), Gravity (CP)
Team Czech Republic: Hydax (TC) 35%, ivanhoe 30%, Derenecko 28%, Leshran 27%, kunhuta (CP), Fallken (CP)
Team Denmark: Tetenka (TC) 37%, Tankz 32%, Hal64k 23%, Fnif 22%, dafran (CP), Divination (CP)
Team Finland: zappis (TC) 56%, Taimou 48%, mafu 29%, Kurp 23%, hymzi (CP), LiNkzr (CP)
Team Greece: iLka (TC) 46%, darkzar 42%, GRAMARIOBOI 36%, Decayedness 21%, rkmru (CP), Sleepy (CP)
Team Hungary: Calas (TC) 30%, Konti 30%, Cucu 31%, tomzeY 27%, Devva (CP), Zero (CP)
Team Iceland: NaCl (TC) 51%, Hafficoool 48%, birgirpall 30%, ArnarThor 26%, Finnsi (CP), Aseal (CP)
Team Ireland: GJB93 (TC) 30%, Hustlin 27%, Kokopopz 27%, Warro 25%, Rayo117 (CP), Jtom (CP)
Team Israel: TomQuE (TC) 27%, Singularity 25%, ShonP 25%, juleZ 23%, KAFEEEEEE (CP), naykenn (CP)
Team Italy: carnifex (CP) 36%, HAL 33%, link 31%, quBy 29%, fighteR (CP), Nisa (CP)
Team Norway: Trob (CP) 44%, ONIGOD 24%, AverageJonas 23%, Badger 23%, Invision (CP), Horsee (CP)
Team Poland: gaav (TC) 29%, Ogurkowsky 29%, Bursztyn 25%, Sebicjusz 24%, matth (CP), ghost (CP)
Team Portugal: mowzassa (TC)31%, WARRIORPRIME 28%, limede 24%, Kay3 22%, SanALex (CP), spect (CP)
Team Romania: Mezamorphis (TC) 30%, Daryus 28%, Stixoid 26%, george 25%, Atomicus (CP), RAMY (CP)
Team Russia: Rubikon (TC) 36%, cYpheR 35%, Khaelgaar 26%, uNFixed 26%, ShaDowBurn (CP), Redzzzz (CP)
Team Serbia: Pyn1sh3r (TC) 29%, QuirkyWolf 27%, Jazz 24%, INX1 22%, Shamyx (CP), Doomzx (CP)
Team Slovakia: BlueX (TC) 37%, BluStar 36%, iworm 34%, Xenbek 34%, Necrolus (CP), Richard (CP)
Team South Africa: CarNage (TC) 44%, Senticall 43%, Visions 29%, Selfmoord 22%, sZZ (CP), Dup (CP)
Team Spain: linepro (TC) 33%, neptuNo 32%, Winghaven 32%, Botvinnik 31%, BromaS (CP), HarryHook (CP)
Team Switzerland: narkiss (TC) 47%, HAXitoo 40%, FlecKz 34%, Luux 22%, Oddy (CP), Gizmo (CP)
Team Turkey: h3x (TC) 42%, Lethilion 41%, Subsidium 36%, Alfred 32%, Cyric (CP), Zinger (CP)
Team Ukraine: kensi (TC) 42%, Scarabaeus 35%, Juthes 35%, GunroX 31%, Awpteamoose (CP), Kuroneko (CP)
Team United Kingdom: Stylosa (TC) 45%, numlocked 38%, OneAmgstMany 33%, ekuls 29%, Kruise (CP), Realzx (CP)
Team China: iGFireRoy (TC) 46%, iGiCELee 45%, iGFireLinkin 45%, iGFireYjjPP 39%, iGFireNai8 (CP), iGFireTresor (CP)
Team South Korea: Miro (TC) 47%, zunba 47%, 류제홍 44%, EscA 41%, MiGTaiRong (CP), MiGArHaN (CP)
Team Taiwan: 聶寶 (TC) 73%, Zonda 71%, Danny 52%, Lilgho 44%, LazyTitan (CP), eddie (CP)
Team Japan: StylishNoob (TC) 73%, XQQ 55%, delave 43%, Novady 25%, Nypro (CP), ShoGuN (CP)
Team Indonesia: sadkatz (TC) 84%, MartabakKeju 64%, iKriegz 63%, clockwise 53%, Cohias (CP), IANBOT (CP)
Team Hong Kong: 熊貓人春日 (TC) 41%, 雨夜農夫 24%, 皓南 18%, Hyper 21%, Mix (CP), XavierChu (CP)
Team Malaysia: Sados (TC) 45%, Darkaz 34%, Wolf 30%, Vermillion 29%, SOR (CP), MGUY (CP)
Team Philippines: Gibo (TC) 69%, HAVATITE 43%, Snoy 42%, YXKI 41%, IDK (CP), Badger (CP)
Team Singapore: Dest (TC) 38%, Pamyu 38%, Phython 35%, Doubted 34%, Revenant (CP), RebornZ (CP)
Team Thailand: oPuTo (TV) 59%, KOKFC 48%, NzNr 44%, Mickie 36%, keRLos (CP), Zalphx (CP)
Team Vietnam: MasterReaper (TC) 83%, ViruSs 82%, KJerry 69%, FunkyMonk 50%, CrazyMageeee (CP), mRHipZz (CP)
/ Australia and New Zealand : Muselk (TC) 50%, Refz 37%, termo 36%, Kura 29%, yuki (CP), HeyKatie (CP)
Starting in September, many of these teams will take part in best-of-three, single-elimination online qualifiers. Then, at BlizzCon in November, sixteen teams will battle in round-robin group stages and single-elimination finals. To ensure that all major regions of the world are well-represented at BlizzCon, the sixteen teams competing there will include six from the Europe game region, six from the Asia-Pacific game regions, and four from the Americas.
Source: playoverwatch.com
Links: Overwatch World Cup Official Announcement