Splash Damage released a hotfix on July 30, 2015, addressing some pressing balance issues, and bugs, with the game. Since the last update there had been mainly complaints with respect to how the melee weapons had been re-worked, and in response to the community the developers have once again adjusted this mechanic, hopefully to the community's satisfaction.

  • The timings for the damaging portion of Melee Attacks have been updated to more closely fit the weapon animations.
  • Previously, the hit duration was very forgiving, meaning that weapons could still potentially deal damage well after the initial strike.
  • This also means that turn-speed limitations can end earlier, which gives players more freedom when performing melee attacks.
  • The allowed turn angle when attacking with melee weapons has been significantly increased and now scales with weapon damage.
  • All melee attacks have been improved, and the lower-damage, high-speed attacks (Primary attacks for the Beckhill and Stilnotto knives in particular) have had their turn speed massively increased.
  • Blocked the KILLPARTICLES command from being usable.
  • Fixed issue with some loadout cards having missing first person arm textures.
  • Fixed certain account levels being unable to see level restricted servers in the browser.
  • Fixed a bug where players were prompted to select a Merc in the tutorial level.
  • Fixed a bug with Phantom where he couldn't use Refractive Armor after repairing the EV.
  • In the past week, the matchmaking back-end has been updated to prioritise more balanced matches over quicker matchmaking times.
  • This should result in longer queuing times, but better matches.

  • Links: icon_db Official Patch Notes