The Promode League - Playoffs
We were able to successfully complete the regular season and will now have teams move into a single elimination, best of three, playoff bracket. With only three forfeits over the course of the season, I think everyone involved did an excellent job in playing their games!
Week 3 Results & VODs
Week 3 proved to be hot and cold. On one hand we got some of the best and closest games of the regular season, on the other hand we ended up with three forfeits. Sadly some circumstances were outside of the players control. Things happen. 2 Retards vs Sandels is definitely the match of the week as we sawthree TI winners and Arteezy three Finns and light fight three closely contested games. The match lived up to the hype with 2 Retards narrowly coming out on top. I think everyone there was ready to see the gaiia show, and The Hot Place he delivered in a big way.
With the regular season now over, we would like thank: MANGIERIS, 2 Genders, Okidoki, Team Spain, Bald and Beautiful, GetServed, Trump Walls, and RuN for participating this season.
Week 3 Results
Playoff Predictions & Bets
Welcome to the playoffs and congratulations to the teams that made it. This will be a single-elimination bracket featuring the best eight teams from the regular season. The semifinals will determine the respective regional champion. There are also some format changes which are described below, as well as a prize-pool breakdown.
This week I'm joined once again by neverGreen, as we discuss this week's upcoming matches. Just a general overall point, I think it's clear we're seeing PMA eye-downing PERIOD in the long-term in North America, and Promode.RU going up against 2 Retards doing the same in Europe. These four teams are definitely the contenders and it will come down to who is best prepared. I think it's clear that whilst PERIOD might have the best amount of over-all skill between gellehsak and Kwong-Lo, they are also the least active and most likely the least familiar with the maps. On the other hand the other three teams having chugging along without any hitches and have demonstrated better cohesion/map knowledge. I think 2 Retards might have the best shot of taking this title as the deadly combination seem to be able to constantly push their power levels up. Sandels did give them a hard time last week, who were then handedly beaten in the first quarterfinal game of the playoffs by Promode.RU, so it's not going to be easy. Promode.RU won their group 9-0, and not once did they come close to breaking a sweat and they should now have a challenge on their hands in the first round of the semifinals. I think PMA have demonstrated the best team work so far but they constantly will run at a ping disadvantage. I think they would be the best team if they both had the low ping in the same region. Maybe myT can move to Canada or naper can move to Europe?
Let's see what skill set wins.
Europe -- Game 1
2 Retards vs. CZSK [ Bets ]
Europe -- Game 2
Sandels vs. Promode.RU [ Match Page ]
Americas -- Game 3
teotl vs. ProMode Admins [ Bets ]
Americas -- Game 4
PERIOD vs. fitemeIRL [ Bets ]
The Promode League,
CPMA Discord
Week 3 Results & VODs
Week 3 proved to be hot and cold. On one hand we got some of the best and closest games of the regular season, on the other hand we ended up with three forfeits. Sadly some circumstances were outside of the players control. Things happen. 2 Retards vs Sandels is definitely the match of the week as we saw
With the regular season now over, we would like thank: MANGIERIS, 2 Genders, Okidoki, Team Spain, Bald and Beautiful, GetServed, Trump Walls, and RuN for participating this season.
Week 3 Results
Group Group A Group A Group B Group B Group C Group C Group D Group D |
Team A 2 Genders 2 Retards CZSK Promode.RU MANGIERIS fitemeIRL Period teotl |
Team B Bald and Beautiful Sandels Okidoki Team Spain ProMode Admins GetServed Trump Walls RuN |
2-1 2-1 3-0 0-3 (FF) 3-0 3-0 (FF) 3-0 (FF) | Match Page & VODs |
Playoff Predictions & Bets
Welcome to the playoffs and congratulations to the teams that made it. This will be a single-elimination bracket featuring the best eight teams from the regular season. The semifinals will determine the respective regional champion. There are also some format changes which are described below, as well as a prize-pool breakdown.
- Games are now BO3.
- Use coin-toss ("callvote random 2" (head/tails)), and the winner will select the first map, and the loser will select the second map.
2 Retards
2 Retards
Grand Final
2 Retards
This week I'm joined once again by neverGreen, as we discuss this week's upcoming matches. Just a general overall point, I think it's clear we're seeing PMA eye-downing PERIOD in the long-term in North America, and Promode.RU going up against 2 Retards doing the same in Europe. These four teams are definitely the contenders and it will come down to who is best prepared. I think it's clear that whilst PERIOD might have the best amount of over-all skill between gellehsak and Kwong-Lo, they are also the least active and most likely the least familiar with the maps. On the other hand the other three teams having chugging along without any hitches and have demonstrated better cohesion/map knowledge. I think 2 Retards might have the best shot of taking this title as the deadly combination seem to be able to constantly push their power levels up. Sandels did give them a hard time last week, who were then handedly beaten in the first quarterfinal game of the playoffs by Promode.RU, so it's not going to be easy. Promode.RU won their group 9-0, and not once did they come close to breaking a sweat and they should now have a challenge on their hands in the first round of the semifinals. I think PMA have demonstrated the best team work so far but they constantly will run at a ping disadvantage. I think they would be the best team if they both had the low ping in the same region. Maybe myT can move to Canada or naper can move to Europe?
Let's see what skill set wins.
Europe -- Game 1
2 Retards vs. CZSK [ Bets ]
- We are doomed! :) -- neverGreen.
- Oh yeah, you guys are super fucked. I think the guys from CZSK did an awesome job breaking through their group, and making it into the top eight. kimi is still a relative beginner at the game, but is arguably one of the best people when it comes to item timing. Outside of this, and I think I've said this before, they will be outclassed in pretty much every other facet. Too much experience. Too much power. -- xero.
neverGreen: 2 Retards 2-0
xero: 2 Retards 2-0
Europe -- Game 2
Sandels vs. Promode.RU [ Match Page ]
- Sadly the game we all really wanted to see, Sandels vs Promode.RU, already took place and as such there are no predictions. Check out the VOD.
Americas -- Game 3
teotl vs. ProMode Admins [ Bets ]
- I am not sure about this one. We practiced a bit with PMA and they were worse than I expected :) teotl performed pretty well from what I have seen. Still I would favor PMA. -- neverGreen.
- Hats off to the Mexicans for making it this far. Sadly, I think this will be the end of the road for their journey in Season 1. They've shown great determination improvement and resilience so far. The ProMode Admins are just too strong and will beat out teotl in every aspect of the game. forest is a great player but can him and kumo compete??? I really don't think so, but I'll be rooting for them.-- xero.
neverGreen: ProMode Admins 2-0
xero: ProMode Admins 2-0
Americas -- Game 4
PERIOD vs. fitemeIRL [ Bets ]
- I guess PERIOD is going to win this? I only saw their first game and they were pretty lost (kwong was) on these maps. It could only get better though. -- neverGreen.
- I think Kwong-Lo with dys support will be enough to seal this one but it might not come that easily as fitemeIRL will be more comfortable on all the maps. With forfeit win last week I'm quite certain both guys from PERIOD haven't played 2/3 maps more than two times so that puts them at a disadvantage. I think Chains and pan1c have done a good job so far and they'll have to play one of the best games of their lives to win. It's not impossible, but it will be very, very difficult. -- xero.
neverGreen: PERIOD 2-0
xero: PERIOD 2-1