Bethesda has just uploaded a gameplay video of the upcoming Doom alpha, enjoy!
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With the closed alpha release for DOOM creeping ever closer Bethesda have now released new details on what players can expect from it.
Designed to be a stress test for the game's dedicated server infrastructure the alpha will be limited to 6v6 Team Death Match on a map called "Heatwave". The map includes the Revenant demon power-up which transforms players into a powerful monster with dual rocket launchers and a jet pack. To counter the Revenant, the map also has a power-up in the form of a weapon called the "Gauss Cannon" which can kill players in a single shot but has a limited number of shots available. Once you are out of ammo with the gauss cannon it will respawn again after a set time.
Next to these power-ups players will be able to configure custom loadouts from a selection of weapons and items available in the complete game which are:
Vortex Rifle
Super Shotgun
Rocket Launcher
Static Cannon
Plasma Rifle
On top of these weapons players can also make use of 2 other items:
Personal Teleporter
Frag Grenade
Players who attended QuakeCon 2015 and tested the multiplayer there will probably notice that the description of the alpha content matches what they got to play which means the alpha will probably be a more refined version of that build.
If you bought Wolfenstein - The New Order and haven't made use of your DOOM beta key yet make sure to checkout the guide below. The guide mentions that not everyone will be selected to be in the closed alpha and the selection method is not specified.
I foolishly decided not to pre-order wolfenstein and now I'm regretting it. I assume video content will be available when beta is out and that it wont be under NDA?
Based on ^, we can assume the "Personal Teleporter" is a carbon copy of the UT's translocator. Great, the only thing that makes UT's CTF horrible got implemented into Doom. In UT it is kind of acceptable though because it compensates the lack of maneuverability Unreal games has. I hope it's not in Doom for that same philosophy.
That makes it necessary, but its still awful. If your choices are the shitty telelporter or the shitty movement then thats not a good time. I would probably play UT4 CTF from time to time if they removed the translocator
I hope at the least the teleporter in Doom is restricted by uses or something so it isnt completely spammable
The concept of that item is kind of gimmicky in the wrong kind of way imo. Nexuiz CRA mod has things called teleporter/translocator grenades which you can choose in a loadouts screen. That one wasn't certainly spammable, but it can still be confusing if you don't know that the player has a telenade waiting somewhere. There could be a time limit or something, because otherwise it's pretty hard to indicate. Speaking of loadouts...
Based on ^, we can assume the "Personal Teleporter" is a carbon copy of the UT's translocator. Great, the only thing that makes UT's CTF horrible got implemented into Doom. In UT it is kind of acceptable though because it compensates the lack of maneuverability Unreal games has. I hope it's not in Doom for that same philosophy.
I hope at the least the teleporter in Doom is restricted by uses or something so it isnt completely spammable