HoQ TDM Fall 2015 - Round 2
The second round of the TDM League will start on Sunday evening (just after the Daylight Saving Time clock change). From the first round, there is still one match to play, 102 vs CZE. It will be played this Sunday. In the third division, v2 was sanctioned with the first default loss because of a no-show.
For the rest of the 1st round matches, you can check the results page and the VODs.
The news will be updated if the teams are rescheduling. We really urge the teams to reschedule as soon as possible when needed, and contact the admins about it.
Streams: Flair TV, fazz, 102
Links: Schedule, Rules, Prize money, Sponsored by ZOWIE
Contacts: [url=irc://irc.quakenet.org/HoQLeagues]#HoQLeagues[/url], Steam Group
For the rest of the 1st round matches, you can check the results page and the VODs.
Division 1
- [reschedule]: POXUI vs EliteFour
- 20:00 UTC, 29 Oct 2015: Team CZE vs REKT
- [played]: Deliberate Murder vs Incoming Murderes (VODs: Flair, 102, elder)
Round 1
- [played]: Deliberate Murder vs Team CZE (VODs: Flair, 102)
Round 3
- 18:00 UTC, 29 Oct 2015: REKT vs Incoming Murderes
Division 2
- [played]: nerds vs last pick
- 20:00 UTC, 26 Oct 2015: p1mps vs dioxide
- [played]: (B52) vs WORLDSTAR (VODs: 102)
Division 3
- [reschedule]: Version 2 vs Dretwe Lamy
- [played]: Zombei vs ashlen
- [Wildcard by Scythe]: Hateful Eight vs Scythe
Division 1
Deliberate Murder (102): cas, cooller, latrommi, pavel
REKT: ash, gienon, larslarslars, rehepapp
EliteFour (E4): nnewone, sothis, noobakillah, bab, luminus
Incoming Murderes (IM): Silencep, clawz, Spart1e, ph0eniX, gohann
Team CZE (CZE): debtorr, flatecek, frg14, krysa
POXUI: pecka, antonio, h8m3, scarecrow
Division 2
WORLDSTAR (WDSR*): GaRpY, kYzeR, R1EPA, Ant3stor
last pick (1p.): deith, nyshak, fresarn, stickan
nerds (n.e.r.d.s.): fagn4h, alf1to, JunkZ, tr1x0
dioxide (dx): gogetto, dance, un4x, ZuluA
(B52): cherepoff, lethiferous, Prestij, Troolz
p1mps: DM, prozac, drejk, drki
Division 3
Version 2 (v2): ???, ???, ???, ??? (Too Many Cooks)
ashlen: ???, ???, ???, ??? (Too Many Cooks)
Zombei: ericcartmenez, deimos, k1lljoy, ksan
Hateful Eight: Tobeee, ticket_man, insejn, dehumanizer, XPEHOPE3
Dretwe Lamy: Harry_Z_Tybetu, mst, pikawa, Insane_pl
Scythe: uraz, Insaccato, frequenzangriff, jlgglypuff
The news will be updated if the teams are rescheduling. We really urge the teams to reschedule as soon as possible when needed, and contact the admins about it.
Streams: Flair TV, fazz, 102
Links: Schedule, Rules, Prize money, Sponsored by ZOWIE
Contacts: [url=irc://irc.quakenet.org/HoQLeagues]#HoQLeagues[/url], Steam Group