UT3 The Legacy Continues North American Duel Cup
North American
Unreal Tournament community organizes an Unreal Tournament 3 Duel Cup in December.
Quote from toornament cup site:
Join the discussion on Discord and read the UT3 install guide.
Time for a 10 years anniversary!

Quote from toornament cup site:
After almost 4 years of leaving behind Unreal Tournament 3, some of the North American players have decided to revisit the game's most beloved game type, duel. We have decided to continue UT3's legacy here in North America, and we are proud to announce another duel tournament. We will be offering a 7 map pool played by double elimination with an anticipation of 16 participants. We are also announcing that all duels will be viewable on YouTube shortly after the tournament is played.
Join the discussion on Discord and read the UT3 install guide.
Time for a 10 years anniversary!