GameTribe Quake Champions Duel Cup #4
GameTribe is hosting the Quake Champions Duel Cup #4 on 10th February, 2018 at 16:00 UTC. The brackets are live now and the check in period will start one hour before the cup goes live. You can sign up here at Challonge and join our Discord channel.
Streams: ZLive, GameTribe, StealmerPlays, nVc
Links: GameTribes, Challonge, Discord
4th: $30
- Blood Covenant
- Blood Run
- Corrupted Keep
- Ruins of Sarnath
- Vale of Pnath
- Lower seed will pick first.
- bo1: drop, drop drop drop, pick.
- bo3: pick pick, drop drop, pick.
- bo5: pick pick, pick pick, pick.
Rules for full double elimination as follows:
- Winner Bracket: bo1 till the Quarter Final, bo3 WB Quater Finals, bo3 WB Semi Finals, B03 WB Final, B05 Grand Final (there will be a 1 map advantage for the Winner Bracket finalist).
- Lower Bracket: bo1 all matches (including LB Final).
Streams: ZLive, GameTribe, StealmerPlays, nVc
Links: GameTribes, Challonge, Discord