QLstats and ctf
Hi Pred
I know Qlstats isn't on the top of your list anymore but, any chance of it getting an update when it comes to ctf glicko? Have a look at this game:
Maybe I'm just a whiner but it feels like ctf gameplay doesn't play a big part in calculating glicko?
I know Qlstats isn't on the top of your list anymore but, any chance of it getting an update when it comes to ctf glicko? Have a look at this game:
Maybe I'm just a whiner but it feels like ctf gameplay doesn't play a big part in calculating glicko?
The actual calculation is at https://github.com/PredatH0r/XonStat/blob/master/feeder/modules/gamerating.js#L563
return (p.dt == 0 ? 2 : Math.min(2, Math.max(0.5, p.dg / p.dt))) * (p.score + p.dg / 20) * timeFactor;
dt = damage taken
dg = damage given
score = QL player score
timefactor is the amount of time you've played in the game compared to how quickly the round finished, so if you turn up in the final 30 seconds of a 10 minute game you won't get as many points.
There are two fields p.a (assists) and p.c (captures) that are acvailable but aren't included in the calculation so it'd be quite easy to start using the caps and assists in the number.
I'm not sure if it should be just * (caps * 2) + * (assists / 2) or some variation to show that caps are worth more than assists.
The code doesn't currently retrieve the defends medal but it could and that'd be good to add somewhere.