We are proud to announce the 1st season of the UTProLeague. It is part of Raise Your Edge’s Royal Tournaments series.
The UTProLeague, or UTPL abbreviated, is a team league that focuses on deathmatch game modes. The 1st season of the UTPL features 8 teams that play duel as well as team deathmatch 2on2 and 4on4 on a biweekly basis, starting in September 2019 and ending in December 2019.
All matches are live-streamed on Twitch! The official channel of the UTPL season 1 will be www.twitch.tv/raiseyouredgegaming.
The UTPL Season 1 features a prize pool of €1.400 and will be distributed in a way that every single win counts!
Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Hb2f62q
We would like to thank everyone who has helped in the past weeks to make this happen:
The official league host and sponsor of the UTPL, Raise Your Edge Gaming (RYE). Raise Your Edge Gaming is a European esports club founded in December 2018 who rank within the top10 of the PUBG Europe League (PEL) and have the vice world champion in Hearthstone in their roster.
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/raiseyouredgegaming
Twitter: www.twitter.com/TeamRYE
Instagram: www.instagram.com/raiseyouredgegaming
Website: www.raiseyouredgegaming.com
The main caster for all playdays on the RYE Twitch channel, conX5.
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/conx5
Twitter: www.twitter.com/conX5
Mapper MoxNix, who helped us modify the maps DM-Codex and DM-Tempest so they can be used in the UTPL Season 1.
Ewan Dobson (ingame N_Paganini), who provides the soundtrack of the UTPL Season 1.
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/ewandobson
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ewandobsonfanpage
The administrator of the UTPL Season 1, Cool. Cool is an esports team coach, fitness coach and nutrition dietist.
Twitter: www.twitter.com/CoolEsports
And of course the cup team, consisting of
s1aY, CIS team acquisition: www.twitter.com/s1aYplay
w)v, team acquisition : www.twitter.com/UTwlv
znatch, team acquisition: www.twitter.com/UTznatch
frag^m, project manager: www.twitter.com/followfragm & www.twitch.tv/followfragm
Honorary mention to [PHX]Big_Deal who helped us in server-related matters.
Feb 10thApr 27th