ESL Italy announced that Vo0, cYpheR, clawz and h4l were invited to play Quake Champions Italian Esports Invitational Cup, one of the tournaments of Italian Esports Open 2017. The event is going to take a place on November 3-4 at Lucca Comics and Games, placed at Lucca, Italy. The last title of the Quake’s brand will be on the main stage of the Esports Cathedral with a unique scenario with the best players in World and 16,000 USD on the line.

icon_cup_gold5, 000 USD
icon_cup_silver3,250 USD
icon_cup_bronze2,250 USD
4th1,500 USD
5th-8th1,000 USD

There is no extra information yet, but we expect more announcements soon.

UPDATED 21.10: rzd, k1llsen, av3k and Cooller will also join this event. ESL Italy also announced groups, two players from each group advance to Double Elimination Brackets, all matches are bo5:

Group A<br>
1. clawz
2. cooller
3. k1llsen
4. h4l
Group B<br>
1. Vo0
2. av3k
3. cYpheR
4. rzd

Source: Italian Esports Open 2017